Anonymous ID: 7823b3 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.2677061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q has suggested that there are four layers of deception (firewalls) in the Hussein/Clinton conspiracy to overthrow the US Government. (#1927).


I think Anons are missing the connections between Firewalls, Projection, and Elite Symbolism.


It is useful, in this context, to read HLI Anon – not a patriot, and he speaks as if America is not his country sometimes. He claims to be a member of the 'good priest' faction of the Elite religious hierarchy, and I would guess from some of the views stated, aligned with the LaRouche faction, or perhaps some organisation higher in the Elite Religious Hierarchy (ERH) than that faction. (It's a lot of material – search words: Clinton, layer, symbolism)


HLI anon asserts the Clintons and Bushes are both part of an intelligence operation and loyal to the House of Marlborough (Churchill) in Britain. Trump sitting in Churchill's chair is iconic. In any event, one expects them to have a degree of sophistication about intelligence operations


This 'mini AMA' is a very small sample of extracts, and not in time order:


Q. Can you give us information about the Shadow government, who it's major players are and its current geopolitical objectives?


A. The Bush and Clinton families both work for the House of Marlborough in England. They are the major influencers of US politics at the moment, and in turn serve British monarchy that is a conglomeration of several old European banking houses.


Q. A while ago someone claiming to work on the ELINT pods of the SB3 posted on here. Also known as ghoul guy, pic related. Was he legit? Specifically his claim about letting Russian and Chinese spies access to certain mainframes on purpose to advertise just how ahead the US is in terms of defence capabilities?


A. Not familiar with his claims although than your brief description, but it sounds like a cover for actual selling of technology to foreign governments, especially the Chinese, by the Clintons. They usually craft state-sanction narratives to go along with their treason. These are very sophisticated actors that lay multiple layers of deception in what they do.


Q. Is this accurate?


A. Yes, in the sense that there are multi-layered deceptions wrapped within each other and hierarchical progressions of cons at higher levels of influence.


Q. You've mentioned before being a "good priest" At which level do these distinctions become relevant? Do you use talented nobodies or does everyone at your level have some sort of real-world influence?


A. Are you aware of the Clinton strategy of triangulation? They do more than try to find the middle ground on policy. Any position they take, they will leak opposition to it and have stories published to that effect.


For example, a Hillary supporter might believe she has always been an advocate of gay rights, but just couldn't say so before she did for political reasons. They intentionally craft this sort of dynamic so that their supporters can project their own values onto her, regardless of how close they are.


This has a lot to do with why symbolism is pervasive and important among the elites. Multiple interpretations allow for many-layered cons and few who actually know what is what.


Q. Do the Global Elite really worship Moloch at the Bohemian Grove, if not, then what's the demon statue for?


A. Have you ever told an inside joke to someone in front of other people? Only the insider gets the full meaning of what you say because of prior knowledge. The more sophisticated you are, the more layers there can be to this process. You can convey multiple meanings to people with the exact same phrasing. This is why the elites use religious symbolism.