Movie 1 -The 'START' appears to be pretty conclusive in some matters.
What is the plot of Movie 2?
Let alone Movie 3?
Movie 1 -The 'START' appears to be pretty conclusive in some matters.
What is the plot of Movie 2?
Let alone Movie 3?
But what about these crumbs & the Matrix crumb?
If you need to capitalize the pronouns referencing spiritual master Jesus, you can do that for every pronoun ever.
Jesus did NOT want to be worshipped!
Yes. There are no words that would properly describe the infinite source of all things, so God/Creator/Prime Creator/Creation/Source/Existence/Most High is good to respect and submit to fully unlike any other entity.
Actually God is not an entity. It is the source of consciounsness and the source of everything, the spark of which resides in every one of us, including every one of us as well as spiritual master Jesus.
Coincidence how the teachings of the Bible are self-referencing, rarely going beyond the single book that was written to propagate it?
Submitting to an entity - who else does that?
Please be mindful of everything you have ever read, especially after Gnostic Christianity was outlawed, persecuted by death only to be totally-not-suspiciously succeeded by a state religion.
First Council of Nicaea.
Excellent post.
All belief systems were a journey to the truth. Some went closer to it, some went further from it.
Some unexplainable physical concepts that regularly leave scientists without an explanation are perfectly explained by spiritual concepts, for example the double slit experiment.
But when one tucks his head into one belief system he is not getting closer to explaining that. And saying "we don't know yet" to keep your belief system when the solution is right in front of your eyes is NOT an acceptable answer.
Spiritual master Jesus has evolved past inciting any form conflict as means to an end.
>this flesh prison we are stuck in is imprisoning us, it was evil and to be punished
Yes, they messed up pretty bad here, and so did I earlier in my development. Reality is not evil but is currently under heavy influence by evil. I don't deal with ancient belief systems either but whatever gets us closer to TRUTH is good.