Anonymous ID: 3c19e3 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.2677652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7701 >>7747 >>7755 >>7777 >>7807 >>7818 >>7996

Good Morning Anons!


I have something interdasting. Bear with me.


Whenever Q drops something I like to look for any connections between keywords. This morning I was considering the high weirdness level of the Ketron Island Plane Crash event.


It doesn't seem like an organic thing to me - the joviality of all involved was out of place. The BARREL ROLL in particular was surreal in the extreme.


Suspecting as I do that the event was staged it led me to search prominent keyword combinations. I know the name of the pilot was Russel, therefore what I searched was this: Barrel Russell (see pic one for what I got as the first google search term return)


Hm. The Lockerbie Scotland Plane disaster (aka Pan Am 103). This might be something, I think to myself, and I continue to dig.


Sure enough right off the bat I get hints of the Deep State involvement in that horrible incident which claimed the lives of all on board and 11 more on the ground as the airliner crashed into a residential area..


The investigation into the cause of the explosion which brought down the plane jingle my alarm bells.


"The explosive was hidden in the tape deck of a recorder within a piece of luggage in the cargo hold?" really? Reminiscent of the 9/11 passport canard given that the plane's fuselage was scattered over an 850 mile radius in Scotland. (pic)


Okay..highly sus. Anything else? Yes.



The incident was billed as Islamic terrorism with perps out of Libya.

Deep State tried to use this to get what they wanted out of Libya. It didn't work.

Not only that but it turns out that BP (British Petroleum) was involved thru back channels regarding prisoner release years later and this set off the Deep State once more.. in particular it upset a person very much in the spotlight again right now:


Robert Mueller. (pic)

Mueller was the Assistant AG in the prosecution of the Libyan who was alleged to have put the bomb on the plane.(pic) Mueller wrote an angry letter to the Scottish authorities who had decided to release the Lockerbie perp early on compassionate grounds.


But that's not all.

Continuing to dig on Mueller's involvement with this case, I notice that all of a sudden in December 2013 Mueller (then FBI Director) is in the news again saying more charges might be coming in the 25 year old Lockerbie case! What would bring this about? The article gives no hint that there was a break in the case.. they just randomly decided to ask Mueller about it on an anniversary of the event? Seems sketch.


Looking at it thru a Deep State lens, however, makes more sense. I don't suppose that the timing of Mueller's offhand announcement that "more charges are likely to come" had anything to do with the fact that someone had just fucked up a coup attempt in October 2013? (pic)


Anonymous ID: 3c19e3 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.2677692   🗄️.is 🔗kun


he will do nothing, and even if he does it will fail.

He is an inveterate liar and a scumbag whose background is one long treason.

let him try.

Anonymous ID: 3c19e3 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.2677834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7870


this is a tangled one!

Had no idea of the Genie Oil / Apache Oil.

Q dopped "APACHE" once or maybe twice?


And let's not forget Basit Igtet, husband of Sara Bronfman, wanna be leader of Libya and their connection to NXIVM and possibly Benghazi