Anonymous ID: 512d9a Aug. 20, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.2677337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7345 >>7353 >>7462 >>7815



Further dig on deceased Alice In Wonderland painter Charles Blackman ...

His daughter Bertie Blackman is a recording artist. Music dark, lyrics about death, evil, being lied to about life etc

Birds of Prey worth a look if yr into crappy music that may be highly representative of chasing young teens into forests, abduction, ritual sacrifice ..

Anonymous ID: 512d9a Aug. 20, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.2677462   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Moar digs

Charles Blackman’s son Auguste is an artist

His works include ‘Huggy Alice’ and (maybe) Podesta Bunnymen style interpretations of the Alice In Wonderland theme ...

(Charles’ daughter Christabel paints too)