Anonymous ID: 5a8e9a Aug. 20, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.2677609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7753


This is all fine and dandy, but unless every single person and his brother, sister, mother, father, cousin, and friend registers to vote and then VOTES, all while participating in the reconciliation process of voting, then we could easily lose the momentum being built to rescue humanity from evil influences. They rig the election process and without vigilance, they'll keep doing it.


This awakening is happening around the globe, but active participation, far in excess of participating in blogs like this one, is imperative.


How are votes counted? What technology is used? Where do the collated votes go, in what format?


We currently have every technological means to ensure the integrity of our voting procedures, but few seem to insist on those procedures. Instead and frighteningly, complacent and trusting people are satisfied with sending their votes off into cyberspace la la land, after which any machinations can easily occur.


Why don't we insist on something simple to prevent fraud while still taking advantage of convenient technology? Consider this. Far greater technos will improve on this simple idea but what about this?? :


When we pull the lever on our vote, we are given a receipt with an anonymous, arbitrary number. Those kind volunteers (I've often been one but won't claim little 'ol lady with blue hair just yet) in the voting precinct gets a copy of that receipt, as well. There precinct copy gets dropped into a secure lock box. We take our copy home for future verification.


The recorded and secure votes are now downloaded into simple spreadsheets from each precinct/county and posted with the individual anonymous numbers so that we can verify the validity of our individulat vote from the receipts we received, which we verified personally while casting our individual vote.


From this posted, public spreadsheet, we can all verify the tabulated votes at the end of the simple spreadsheet that is posted for all to see.


This is not friggin' rocket science.


Each and every soul needs to be involved, intellectually and actively.