Anonymous ID: 843916 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:08 a.m. No.2677348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7351

Multi-part post that I found interesting before bed:


Yall need to read @EllidaProject…


1) Good morning, you people. I'm drinking my first cup of coffee and thinking about this.


I'm only showing you the content because it isn't my intention to point out a person - only the ideas involved.


Let me just say up front so you understand the point of view I'm speaking from - if this is something you've said or would say, you are setting yourself up to lose.


3) Would any of you disagree if I told you that we have completely, utterly, and in all other ways suffered a humiliating defeat in America's Culture War?


If you did disagree I'd point to God being chased out of public places, "Pride Parades," child transexuals…


4) apostasy running rampant among Christians of all denominations, more than 2 genders, bathroom confusion, "baby daddy/mamas, rap "music," etc. The list really could go on and on.


5) If after that, you still didn't see that we have lost the Culture War, I'd call 911 to see if paramedics could remove your head from your ass before you suffocate.


So I guess you understand now that I believe the Culture War is lost. They beat our ass in detail…


6) winning on every issue they decided to take on. Every single one.


They beat us in terms of influencing our own children.

They beat us in the courts.

They beat us on capitol hill.

They beat us in the State Houses.

They beat us in the streets.

They beat us on every issue.


7) In response, we said they lack our manners and refinement, that we have jobs, and that we follow rules.


We praised ourselves for losing politely, accepted the new reality created by the Left's latest victory, and vowed we'd win the next battle - which we ultimately lost.


8) And then we elected @realDonaldTrump


It isn't enough to say that is the biggest blow we've dealt the Left in the past 35 years. It's fair to say it's the only meaningful blow we've dealt the Left in that time.


9) And guess what? It's NOT ENOUGH.


It isn't enough to send one man, even one great man, into the DC Swamp and expect him to fix the whole country and undo 35 years of failure.


If we don't help him with everything we've got, his victories will be few and short lived.


10) "But what have we got besides our votes?"


Good point. That hasn't won us much in 35 years has it? I guess the Trump years, however many of them there are, will be just a blip on the screen before it's back to business as usual.


11) OR… we could STOP doing the same things that lost us every battle in the Culture War and learn some things from the enemy that has been kicking our ass every day (except Nov 8, 2016) for the past 35 years.


Let the lessons begin!




How many times have you seen this? It is their rule in everything from election recounts to legislative process, to court battles, to hounding someone who "offends" them.


What does the Left do when legislation it doesn't like is passed? It goes to court.


What does the Left do when it loses a court case? It goes to court again or it goes back to a legislative struggle.


What does it do when those avenues are closed? It uses an EO if it can…


14) and if that's not available it ignores, disobeys, or protests the law until such time as it can go back to court - knowing those things will affect the court's decision and likely result in a win.


In short, you give them their way or they bully you until you do.


15) "Oh but we're above that! We have jobs! We want to win the right way! We follow the rules!"


Ok, fine. Prepare to lose - with everything that comes with total defeat. Everything.




Ever notice how the moment the Left wins a victory they act as if it's a precedent that cannot be overturned - ever?


17) Every victory, no matter how slight, is a new precedent and if you try to overturn it, you're "going against the way we do things" even if it's only been "the way we do things" for a month.


They contest your wins and precedents endlessly - but you must not contest theirs.


18) "But that's hypocrisy! We don't want to be hypocrites! We're better than that!"


Ok Loser. I'm showing you how the other team kicks your ass and you don't want to learn from it. Guess you love your perfect 0 - Infinity record.



Anonymous ID: 843916 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:08 a.m. No.2677351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7359 >>7464 >>7788




19) Left Lesson 3: THERE IS POWER IN MOBS.


This started when I asked the question, "Why haven't conservatives attached a chain to that devil statue in Arkansas and dragged it away with a 4x4?"


Almost immediately I revised that idea in favor of a "Sledgehammer & Shotgun Party"


20) I envisioned a dozen guys with hammers turning that statue into landscaping gravel - while a hundred or more others surrounded them with shotguns to ward off anyone who had the idea of interfering.


You know - taking the Left's statue thing a step further, doing it better.


21) One guy going out there with a hammer, or a shotgun for that matter - is pitiful. He'll get arrested, mocked, and he'll make our side look weak and impotent.


But a mob - few people who are part of a mob ever get arrested or punished.


22) A mob, like it or not, projects power. It instills fear in ideological enemies, legislators, and yes - judges.


That's why they do it. That's why we have to do it.


23) "But that's not who we are!"


Yeah. You're right. That isn't who we are - but it IS why we're losing. We're losing because "who we are" does not defeat the enemy we are up against. We either become something different or we lose and are wiped out.




It is safe to say that any time a Leftist speaks or writes in a venue intended for public access - what he says is not an accurate reflection of his thoughts, intentions, or agenda.


25) Instead it is a calculated deception intended to further his real agenda by agitating his own base or demoralizing our base.


While we spend the next few days analyzing all the ways what he said is false and how he must have known it was false at the time he said it…


26) that same statement is mobilizing his side to donate, march, write supportive editorials, and set in motion whatever the next steps are to achieve a goal.


We make our goal "showing what hypocrites and liars they are." That only affects us…


27) and a nearly insignificant number of normal people who aren't political junkies but somehow heard our analysis and thought, "hmm… those Democrats may not always be telling the truth sometimes kinda, maybe, sorta."


See the value in that? Me neither.


28) I thought of this when I was considering the likelihood that Q is real - or more to the point what we could/should do if it turns out not to be.


The Q fascination is real. The enthusiasm is real. The ideas and arguments are real. The grassroots growth of it is real.


29) If it turns out that Q itself (himself? herself? themselves?) isn't genuine - should we throw away the fascination, enthusiasm, ideas, arguments, and grassroots growth?


Should we toss it on the ground and walk away, discarding it like a child discards a broken toy?


30) I don't think Leftists would do that for one second. They'd understand the utility of those things Q had created and find a way to keep them relevant and moving forward to energize and motivate their base.


How do we do that? I don't know - but we'd better figure it out.




Leftists view everything and everyone in terms of how they can be used to further the agenda. The only thing that matters to them is that gleaming final victory off in the distance somewhere.


32) If a thing, an idea, or a person, gets them a step closer to that final victory - it is worthy of attention, time, money, and effort. If not, it isn't.


Simple idea - but it requires discipline, persistence, and oh - it requires an agenda doesn't it?


We lack that.


33) If you asked most Deplorables, "What is the agenda?" you'd get back answers like, "Ending Obamacare," or "Reversing everything Obama did," or "MAGA."


Short term, or vague goals that are subject to individual interpretation are fine for the rank and file.


34) The Left certainly uses those to drive enthusiasm and motivate their rank and file. Gay marriage, stricter gun laws, transexuals in the women's room - all those are short term goals that advance the agenda but are not the agenda.


35) If the rank and file gets obsessed with winning those short term goals, all the better. They'll win them - and then like a cat and a laser pointer - they can be shown the next goal and they'll pursue it just as eagerly.

Anonymous ID: 843916 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:35 a.m. No.2677475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not necessarily act like them, but to be as strong and relentless as them to fight back as hard to keep their culture war from progressing. At least keeping it at a standstill….