Anonymous ID: b4eacd Aug. 20, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.2677560   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well you can contact the FBI


Hahahahaha j/k they already know.


But seriously, it’s good looking out. If you truly have suspicions, you could always contact the USSS, US Marshals and give them a heads up that this could just be setting the stage and backdrop.


If you are wrong, you potentially violate people’s civil rights.


If you are right, you could save lives.


I would personally do much more digging prior to reporting and try to build that contextual evidence before reporting someone. Find out if they plan on attending the event etc. check social media for any background on weapons or violent posts.


Of course if they are planning a false flag, the story won’t be “A Q follower stopped mass shooting” it’ll be “Q follower stopped before mass shooting”.


But we can use this thread as evidence that we do not condone violence and anyone who pushes or supports it, is NOT affiliated.