perhaps it closely relates to the plan being the preservation of the republic and the core attributes of said republic. As it was originally stated long ago, simply dumping this news on the public would effectively result in WW panic and riots with violet overthrow and reprisal. What I glean from the statements is that "the plan" boils down to allowing our original form of justice to be the judge so as to maintain order throughout the declassifications of these atrocities committed against the republic (which is not to be confused with the government of the republic, the republic has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be the people which the government is to represent) With soft disclosure and participation by individuals within our republic as well as all over the world, chaotic uprising can be averted at the level necessary to ensure the fallout of declassification is not so upending that the republic cannot weather the storm and falters, which I do believe was originally the plan of DS in the first place; to allow the world to implode upon itself. My 2 cents…
The plan is there to ensure our survival as a free nation, and therefore must allow for the full process of justice by original values to be incorporated, otherwise, the remainders of the outcome of what they would term "vigilante justice" makes us no better than the perpetrators themselves.