Anonymous ID: df8732 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.2677384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


perhaps it closely relates to the plan being the preservation of the republic and the core attributes of said republic. As it was originally stated long ago, simply dumping this news on the public would effectively result in WW panic and riots with violet overthrow and reprisal. What I glean from the statements is that "the plan" boils down to allowing our original form of justice to be the judge so as to maintain order throughout the declassifications of these atrocities committed against the republic (which is not to be confused with the government of the republic, the republic has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be the people which the government is to represent) With soft disclosure and participation by individuals within our republic as well as all over the world, chaotic uprising can be averted at the level necessary to ensure the fallout of declassification is not so upending that the republic cannot weather the storm and falters, which I do believe was originally the plan of DS in the first place; to allow the world to implode upon itself. My 2 cents…


The plan is there to ensure our survival as a free nation, and therefore must allow for the full process of justice by original values to be incorporated, otherwise, the remainders of the outcome of what they would term "vigilante justice" makes us no better than the perpetrators themselves.

Anonymous ID: df8732 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.2677684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7696


Q also said "Disinformation is necessary" That could be to say that those whom flipped are simply acting as they are told so as to fool DS into believing the assets they have on the inside are still loyal to the DS agenda. I have often thought that before all of this began, most of these people were sat down and shown the dirt DS has on them and uses for leverage which effectively nullifies DS's hold on them and allows them to come to the realization that either way, they are done in terms of ever "getting away" with their crimes against us (humanity) whereas they are then told to remain true to the DS agenda for the optics because as we all know, the optics and the media is a form of direct communication. This mental elaboration of mine would effectively allow 5D chess to be played against DS, as internal assets, while neutralized in reality, continue as if that reality doesn't exist. Make no mistake, those who DS employed into this game whom are found out will be held accountable in one way or another, and I believe the outcome of the sentences they receive will be based upon their willingness and effectiveness to play their parts in locating and eliminating the rest of the DS pieces on the board. We are here not to help piece it all together, as it was already done….we are here to piece it all together for the bolstering of patriotic duty to humanity as a whole by not hearing or seeing news reports on the matter but by doing the job of the news ourselves, as we forgot how to do because of the rigorous setup of our installed values. The belief that working day in and day out to provide for one's family essentially completely denies time and effort into ensuring the real truthful narrative remains in the open. This has been my only problem with this movement as a whole…"jobs, jobs, jobs"…….


While I don't deny the pleasures of performing labors for society, our labors are NOT for society, but for the benefit of the already wealthy…..the jobs we are presented with as opportunities are simply unnecessary for the most part when looking at society's needs as a whole….the technologies we have are unreasonably outdated by advancements WE pay for as a society but never get to use, as those whom make those advancements and do not allow government control over the allocation are eliminated and the advancements themselves are stored hidden for use against the public under guise of "National Security"…."jobs, jobs, jobs"…is by far the single most dangerous narrative anyone can follow……unless those jobs give any and all "profit" to the people, which I just do not see happening within a capitalist based economy.

Anonymous ID: df8732 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.2677869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959


I am of limited direct knowledge into the names, but the pattern you have displayed via the Q drop is legit and your presumption is seemingly right on course. It would however make sense that Bruce was passing to Nelly because of the conflict of interest regarding where Nelly works and where the dossier originated and began it's circulation. The conflict of interest before the continued spread of the dossier is in my sense the established pattern guide, as 1 conflict of interest leads directly to another…those with conflicts of interest down the line all hold relevance to the pattern and those individuals all play their parts in the singular agenda. If you think about it, the pattern itself was established already within the system of government due to checks and balances, which because they are essentially written in stone, cannot be easily hindered without essential placement of assets in random locations throughout the system itself. A seat of power openly displayed to the public, such as the Presidency, has never been appealing to DS in my opinion. It is too exposed and closely scrutinized. I'm just rambling on thoughts pertaining to your pattern. I have never been alluded to investigate and learn all of the systematic control positions our government has established throughout it's own operations until the inauguration of our current POTUS, which severely disadvantages me in the aspect of placing names within the breakdown of that system, but math, namely algebraic operations, along with pattern establishment and recognition…that's simply the core of the system. You are over the target and dropping bombs in my opinion, humble as it is.

Anonymous ID: df8732 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:46 a.m. No.2677902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I wouldn't be surprised if the good guys simply fess up at the end of all this and rely upon the ends justifying the means, along with relinquishing the powers which they hold of their own accord after allowing for the empty seats of power to be filled with new and unconnected minds and bodies from the general public…my 2 cents.