is the idea here that we need to act more like the left? if so, I disagree.
the culture war was being lost because those who might have stopped it lost their focus on righteousness. not in some religious sense, but in the socratic sense as outlined in the euthyphro.
with the amount of light being shone on the horrendously evil shit the cabal gets up to we can only hope that we can find the fortitude to also engage in the search again for what is righteous (we now have a pretty good idea what the paradigm for unrighteousness is).
interesting to note is that one of the complaints against socrates was that he corrupted the youth of athens via these discussions around justice and righteousness. the elite of athens found it particularly problematic that socrates couldn't be seduced by young (read adolescent) men and hence could not be controlled. the elite were primarily pissed that socrates got the youth interested in philosophy and less interested in hanging about with the city leadership.
socrates lost in the short term and took his medicine (hemlock) even while some of the elite were trying to spring him prison. but in the long run his unwavering committment to search for justice and righteousness won bigly.
in a few hundred years it might be clear who actually won this culture war.