Enjoy the show!
Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression
The idea here is that Jesus's death is a punishment by God for human wickedness. He pays the price of human sin on our behalf. This understanding of what Christians mean by salvation – known technically as penal substitutionary atonement – was actually unknown in the early church, though some Christians seem to think it is the only way of understanding the cross. They ignore the fact that it transforms God into some sort of psychopath who murders his own son as a magical way of dealing with endemic human wickedness. When set in the Holocaust, it doubles the offence by implying that the gas chambers are also a sort of payback by God for human wrongdoing.
Dewachen is not a physical place.
It wasn't supposed to give you a bone or anything.
He didn't just ejaculate in the mouth of a 7 year old, he had the kid wash it down with holy water. And the Pope is like "no biggie bro, let's fast and pray" and then I guess they go fuck more kids.
Your problems are reduced because the shills stopped shitposting and became engaging? Sounds like you're just getting more convincing shills, then. I'd think it would increase your problems.
Then get started and contribute what you think should be here.
That's a quote from the article, not my opinion. Newsflash: Jews really don't like Christians.
That's pretty kenworthy, good job.