Good work, Baker.
Can step up to bake.
Please confirm handoff.
BO/BV's, please be advised.
Handoff Accepted; BO/BV confirmation pending.
Assuming responsibilities.
Thank you for your hard work.
God bless.
Much appreciated.
Notables match.
BO/BV likely to show up shortly.
If not, just hold my feet to the fire if I fuck up.
Same procedure as usual.
Have a great day, and God bless.
Notables Bun
>>2678066 ; >>2678341 ; >>2678567 On “Page 380” signatory (speculation)
>>2678099 ; >>2678233 ; >>2678357 ; >>2678440 New DJT; calling out Brennan’s threat of a lawsuit; board seats w/security clearances; “Will Bruce Ohr… ever be fired…?”
>>2678089 ; >>2678149 ; >>2678256 More specifics on FISA signatories
>>2678308 Comey did not play ball with Dirty Harry Reid
>>2678335 IMPORTANT RE: FISA, Sally Yates, and timing at the DOJ during FISA signing