Perfectly baked bread, tyb
Right? You mean randomly shitting up the board with Tesla 3-6-9, Rosenstein Bridge theories, and photos of shitty paid actors isn't contributing and just sliding?
Not that I can say much, all I've done so far this morning is shit talk @Brennan and post pictures of half nakes women that the pedo-cabal want to rape, murder, and sell as plunder to their friends that helped destroy X Nation's laws as controlled opposition. Geo-politics has always ruled this planet
Thought muhjoo shills were the shills that could not even type out jew because it hurt so bad, so they would say Muh joos whenever anyone pointed out someones Early Life section on wikipedia or else where.
>Not a muhjoo shill here, I still believe it is Bolsheviks 99.9% of the time
But you may be off target just a little bit or the muhjoo shill itself using a slide badge to hide/shapeshift/subvert
Qlockanons maybe Qrumb #1336 will be a good proof with all these security clearance talk, this anon is so hung up on timestamps being key but can't get past adding them, if they equal dates, if you have to always mirror, -/+111. But maybe toweliee or future qlockanon can tie the script together
>1) Selling Secrets?
>2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
>3) Selling Silence?
>Read below slow and carefully.
>Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
>U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
>U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec >Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
>Read above slow and carefully.
>Welcome to the Deep State.
>Future to prove past.
The deep state allowed it for money, the deep state allowed it for intellectual theft, the deep state allowed it to spy on threats(like journos&political opponents), the deep state allowed it to spy on citizens, the deep state allowed it to frame
although the qrumb was posted at 23:45
:45 on qlock, mirror is :15 which would of been 8/19, yesterday, when a lot of this kicked up into high gear
Brennan was Clown Director at C_A for a MB President
What do you think?
Omarosa is the new Stormy for CNN, NBC, ABC. Anything they can do to divide and not cover what POTUS wants them to cover. Was Omarosa released ONE thing that was damaging or do they just hype the recordings then give her time to talk about everything else but the actual recordings. This plan is exposing the 4-6%, not a full on Civil War like the cabal has done hundreds of times before across many Countries
This cabal has owned this Country for a long time. It just happens to fall on the most recent group who failed to transition to the next team
They are the loudest voices because they never thought she would lose.
Do you expect pedophiles, murderers, and the rest of the ilk to just lay down and admit to it all? It is a special type of evil to fathom because you and I are not like these clowns
whew circle jerk reporting quoting NBC article about Q
Great grab, ty anon,
military grade?
Hitler was a puppet, he was funded by some of the bloodlines still around today
Jewish is a religion, read the bible, many tribes. One tribe has always been assholes, God sent Jesus to correct that tribe, they used black nobility and voter fraud to kill Jesus.
But what if that one tribe used Hitler to kill off the other jewish tribes, Pink Triangle, Adwehr were Hitler's military intelligence(Think Brennan/Strzok/Ohr/and others), they lost the war, the pointed where to invade based off their maps and 'intel'
Hitler was a puppet used by this global cabal for that one asshole tribe to murder off the other tribes/setup white guilt narrative we are forced to live under because of the MOS protocol even though our dough boy grandparents fought the war to stop Hitler
That one asshole tribe going for supreme leadership of the planet
Reddit is simililar to Twatter, controlled groom social manipulation. Important to grab people out of the matrix.
You twatter and Reddit division anons have earned your badges with honor.
But reddit, just like twatter, GOOG, and other Silicon Valley companies that used American labor to create their platforms only to out those same workers for cheap h1b workers who will censor without question are THE enemy
You re-read crumbs you dumbshit
Judicial Watch in Court seaking documents that Clown Brennan leaked to Reid regarding the Ohr fiction
>Judicial Watch is already in court seeking answers on Brennan:
>Talked about this on Fox this weekend: