Anonymous ID: 6b38c7 Aug. 20, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.2679013   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9341


It is no slide but important work. Since the Jew has 200 years of non stop Jew propaganda on the minds of Americans there sadly has to be a time of bringing up the fact that Jews as a industry are dirty as shit. They are the most important element in the NWO. They are the most trusted minions for enslaving and destroying humanity. So until everyone is on the same page. That Jews are not to be trusted without lots and lots of evidence they might be the mythical good Jew we have to keep up a guard.


Because believing their shit has gotten a lot of kids fucked in the ass and a lot of kids turned into Jerky snacks.

Anonymous ID: 6b38c7 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.2679508   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Disinformation is important. To take down the Jew when the Jew had all the media. And the American people were lost in a Matrix of ยจJews didnt du nuffinยจ You have to have plausible deniablity. So you push for unity because your own likely allies in the Christian community are deep into the Judo-christianity meme the Jews put out. They skull fucked the christians into thinking Jews are like us just a little misunderstood.


So Q has to change the Overton Window on the JQ. But Q does not have to say a word themselves about it. That is OUR job. We do the dirty work and Q remains above it all. A projection of whatever the person reading the crumbs wants to project.


See the genius to the plan yet? And the more you JIDF clowns fight against it the more you allow us to put up the facts. Over and over and over. You know repetition is a form of teaching?


Your finished. You probably know that already but you have no other options but continue to kvetch until the blade comes down.


Good luck. Ask for forgiveness. If your real then maybe you get another chance in the next life. Because your done in this one.