Anonymous ID: 8baa33 Aug. 20, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.2679447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9517



The mention of the Lockerbie incident and involvement of BP British Petroleum activated a few brain cells. I got to thinking WHO was president during the famous BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of New Mexico…Obama, and how much environmental clean up Billions of dollars?

And i live in Texas close to the Gulf and its odd, there was one oil slick and very little damage considering the millions of supposed barrels of oil that were being belched up by the hole. Now remember we needed many divers to go down and shut that spill off, we needed lots and lots of money for specific people to shut it off. We know now that we are lied to by the news and our leaders so what if the whole thing was staged to get billions of dollars and pass some laws that hurt we the people but make Obama cronies and the deepstate fat cats?


Found this:


A survivor killed in car wreck along with a faked death certificate…Arkansas of all places. (brings back memories of vegas survivors dying) Exibit 1.


Starting to think that anyone who plays along with these giant schemes, are required to sign some sort of agreement, NDA maybe? and then at least with the democrats and their ilk and some republicans, if anyone violates them, they get harrassed, or murdered. >I think Trump is up to something with the NDA, and what does that mean? just interesting the Omarosa, lawyer thing etc.


In fact, when a "mass event" happens, we like lemmings believe that sensationalized media blitz and lack the critical thinking to actually ask questions…


Exhibit 2: The media Narratives full of lies and "witnesses"


Exhibit 3 & 4: The investigation. Of course it involves the "criminal" meaning Eric Holder gets involved, which is going to make people "shut up" because muh Criminal Investigation. NDA


So now we have a criminal investigation and an environmental investigation. Thing more bullshit environmental laws passed, the shutdown of oil exploration, the crippling of the oil industry etc. Now BP, is fucking British. Why would our USA companies not be drilling oil in the Gulf. Also i remember that we heard over and over again about drilling vs solar yada yada bullshit.


HOW MANY LIES HAVE WE BEEN TOLD. OUR ENTIRE REFERENCE TO EVENTS IS REALLY ALL MEDIA LIES!! to keep us all under control by passing more and MORE LAWS & REGULATIONS. All to keep the little guy from competing and control us while keeping the evil ones in power and rich. God gave us the simple laws. the 10 Commandments. Nothing more, Nothing less. We dont need anything else. My God, the lies.

Anonymous ID: 8baa33 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.2679517   🗄️.is 🔗kun



just a screen capture.

See going backwards on just about everything we have been told by our leaders in the past was almost ALL bullshit, and people were killed or maimed or brought to heel via all the fucking lies. While all these "elite" have gotten rich off of our backs.


Now i am starting to see what the book (Trump Time Travel).

The Last President. seems to mean. When men get power, there are very few that hold that power responsibly. That is why our BASIC constitution and Bill of rights was so perfect.


Our leaders fake bullshit so that they can pass more and more laws and regulations and mandatory laws that are designed to keep us from ever being happy or being able to run our businesses successfully, they are design to keep the few who can afford those regulations to get richer and fatter.


We dont need no stinking laws, we just needed the 10 basic commandments and our original constitution, and We were given them but we thought we had to expound on them.


and here we are.

Anonymous ID: 8baa33 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2679552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they should be able to afford it given that they have distributed so much via the cartel and the drs who have been pushing it at a faster rate than any other drug on the street practically.


Xanax is another one.