Q, I have to say, this casts serious doubt on EVERYTHING.
I know you've said before that some things can't be revealed immediately. And that disinfo was necessary. (Is AJ necessary?)
So maybe I'm hoping that's what this was.
But, if you're the real deal then you know who I am AND you know exactly what I'm talking about AND what I explicitly mentioned here - when it was posted it SEEMED like I got a Q conf the very next day from the 4 in the front row. Now I have huge doubts, which I admit is really a downer. Maybe there ARE coincidences when you want to see them…
Because: "See something. Say something." is NOT the answer to what happened to the Catholic Church.
That will NOT solve anything. In nearly all cases, it won't even stop the particular rapist/abuser!
Yes, you see a cleric smacking a baby, of COURSE you say (and DO) something about it.
But "See something say something" is not going to fix this.
ESPECIALLY if the "something" you're talking about is pederasty.
As vile as that is, it's NOT the problem. Not at ALL. It's a SYMPTOM of the problem. The problem is MUCH BIGGER.
Most stuff happens in secret. What you SEE every Saturday night and Sunday out in the open is radical insanity and the majority is conditioned to not SEE a damn thing wrong with it.
And when you said this: "PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions." I have to admit this SOUNDS like a statement made by someone who does not understand the Catholic Church at ALL. Certainly not someone who understand what HAPPENED to it.
"Old institution"???
People need to unite to clean it out???
That's what the pederast pretenders THEMSELVES have said! For years they tricked their victims and their leaders said we all just need to clean out the rotten apples. (As if that would fix it.) Oh, come on.
No, I didn't expect 1886 and all other drops with quotes to be DR instead of NKJV, I don't expect Q or members of the team to BE traditional Catholics, but if you are really fighting the corruption in high places, particularly THIS corruption in THIS place, then who and whatever you are, you would have to KNOW THE SCORE.
To understand that, to know THIS score, you have to know papal history, traditional Catholic theology, 1913 code of canon law, symbolism, and understand things that the casual religious (and non-military) would not grasp, would not even know where to look.
The Third Secret of Fatima is NOT that "a thousand priests will turn to child sodomy". It's NOT that "a thousand sodomites will infiltrate the clergy". It's so much bigger. NO, "people" aren't going to unite to "clean out" this NEW institution, which is what it is. With a history of only six leaders, it's really not that old.
That drop sounded like the words of an armchair observer who really has no idea, no CONTEXT, no clue. The Internet is full of know it alls who don't know what they don't know, and that's what this one sounded like. I'm being totally honest here. I don't know Dem/Rep politics, Podestas, Comeys, RR, all that other stuff - I'm not an expert on that and can't comment on those drops or info. But you're now moving into my area of expertise, and I'm disappointed. I hope this has not been an elaborate troll.