>muh sleepy sessions
Aw poor little shill is lost
That shit only works on the lower IQ range of POTUS supporters
You know where to find them
>muh sleepy sessions
Aw poor little shill is lost
That shit only works on the lower IQ range of POTUS supporters
You know where to find them
No, Q has been using qmap.pub lately, that's all.
I'll just go use my top level clearances to dig on that and I'll let you know.
Let me guess: You're one of those hilarious faggots who imagines reality consists of what you have seen on TV and twitter.
"muh because an irrelevant nobody like me doesn't know about it yet, nothing is happening"
>Q keeps saying that even we, the autists, can't even fathom how BIG this is.
The fact that Q says this just proves to me Q grossly underestimates most autists.
Speaking only for myself, but I can't imagine I'm alone, there is literally NOTHING I can't imagine that could be true.
Circumstances in my life have left me completely and totally devoid ideologically, to the point where I have no attachment to any conception of what is possible.
ayyy lmaos, demons, this is a simulation, global satanist cults, time travel, multi-dimensional realities, we don't even existโฆ.
None of these would even ruffle my feathers at this point.
It would be awesome and exciting to learn new truth like that, but to suggest that we "can't even imagine" shows that Q doesn't have any clue what the fuck he's talking about, honestly.
And it plays right into "no no, we can't tell you EVERYTHING, you can't HANDLE it"
I am fully behind Q/POTUS and the plan but this line of reasoning on their part is complete bullshit and always has been.
Q could amplify every "shocking" truth he's delivered 10x and while you'd lose some normies, autists have any trouble keeping up.
If anything, autists constantly have the OPPOSITE problem, we way way overreach on things Q drops because we are looking for something sensational when the truth is often pretty mundane.
He was too tough when he questioned our serial rapist patriarch!
That's bottom of the barrel for sure.
>but gods written word was written by the roman emperor constantine and his frens back in the 14th century
This has got to be a troll, right?
>A man wrote in the bible that men didn't write the bible! See!
This argument only works on believers, and therefore is not an argument at all.
>did u think the bible was written on the 8th day by god when he was done with his creation?
No, the OT is a collection of ancient religious myths combined with the falsified anceint history of people who squatted in Canaan after the bronze age collapse in the region.
After that point it's mostly just a political religious record of the contemporary jews of that time onwards.
>roman emperor constantine and his frens back in the 14th century
>roman emperor constantine
>14th century
And the NT was written by a variety of authors, most of which who were educated and Greek, not "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John." Those names were added much later to give more credibility to the writings (a very common practice in ancient forgeries).
Half of the Pauline letters are forgeries from other writers who assumed his name.
You are correct in that the early church had a very heavy hand to play in the formation of the book as we have it now, which was driven almost entirely by their ideological bias.
They included books as "inspired" if they lined up with their beliefs, and rejected any books as "heresy" if not.
This was a fluid and shifting process for centuries until it metastasized into the collection we have today.
Stop being sloppy and dismissive in your criticisms, it makes you look stupid and it discredits the truth.