Anonymous ID: 0ef62e Aug. 20, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2679683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9833 >>0110 >>0384

>>2679388 (LB)

>So, this is one of the deep digs, right?

Yup. THE deep dig.


>Nazis and Antifa use the same methods. Both backed by the same group (Roths):



>Roths own the Vatican:

This has been established, imo, yes.


>Chair serves the Master (Satan/Roths)



>What happened at the end of WWII? Blafour Declaration:

>The crown's address is London (as in the corporation), and the crown is German, not Anglo:


>The City of London:

These parts I am fuzzy on, but read the reddit article and saved for future ref. Made sense.


>Now, back to Q:


>What's the title of this document?

Special: Nazis, the Vatican, and CIA

^^^THIS was the clincher for me


>Germany was the trial run for a rapid depopulation event, which served as a great distraction to put the pieces into place for the Roths to get control over Israel. The members of the crown are "Germans" that serve the Roths; that pretend to be Jews. Their agenda was far more reaching that just Germany and the crown, though. They had a massive plan to use all the tools in their tool box to seize control of the world:


Would appear so, but if the Roths are really Germans pretending to be Jews, who, then, are the real Jews? And who are the Israelis? And how does one know the difference?


>They are the church of Satan that owns The Catholic Church, the banks, and many world governments. This plan is being dismantled, by Q and team, one step at a time.

That's The Plan, I think. But don't forget Saving Israel for Last.


>People going nuts over "taking too long" have no idea the vastness of this. It's quite amazing what's happening right now.


Anon I have been studying this shit, on and off, since my late teens. That's nearly four decades. Not claiming to have read everything, much less know it all; kek, half of it I ca't even remember but let's just say..


Yea. Just…Ovarall, .Yea, I'll buy THIS.

Anonymous ID: 0ef62e Aug. 20, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.2680252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0272



>I've got a sneaking suspicion that there are those that grew up thinking they were Jewish, but are converts and not bloodline (but still well intentioned). Then, there are those growing up acting Jewish, but actually practice adverse studies (mysticism, Satanism, etc.); hence Jesus' label of them being "Vipers". My guess is the Roths and others fit into this category.


You just brought it full circle, Anon. And then this puts the cherry on top, or the line on the Q:



And wow, BONUS!



Thank you all, Anons. You are all so smart!


Screencapped, Bookmarked and SAVED. ALL Of IT!!!