Anonymous ID: 3e4db0 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2679675   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2679578 (l/b)

>Is this that whole: we are the gods we've been looking for form of atheism. speak clearly fren

No, not at all.

I am suggesting that before people dismiss The Bible and the God who claims to have inspired it so that humans could know him, they should try some thought experiments/critical thinking.

It seems to me to be a logical statement that if evolution is true and Creation by an omnipotent Creator is a lie, then it follows that we are our own gods. Only a Creator has rights over his creation (recognised even in our human system of patents) and can make demands of them. So, if one chooses to not believe in a Creator then the logical consequence is not to believe in any god at all, save oneself.

Alternatively, if one considers that there is a possibility that we we created, then it behoves us to try to discover who this Creator is and what he might require of us and whether he has made any attemot to reveal himself to, and requirements of, humanity.

Anonymous ID: 3e4db0 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2679777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9809 >>0118 >>0145


>This is a devastating dig for me as a Catholic. I'm undone.


Protestant Reformers in England recognised that the Vatican is a political state whose head is the Pope, and not just a religious entity, and for this reason understood that any Roman Catholic King or Queen of England would owe first allegiance to the Pope as a global, spiritual head, as well as political head of state, that would give him ascendancy over an English sovereign. That's why the reformers banned RCs from marrying into the British Royal family until very recently. The first loyalty of any Roman Catholic is always to the Pope, not his own country or head of state. Most RC laity don't realise this, but the upper echelons of the RC church most certainly do.

Anonymous ID: 3e4db0 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2679851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9884 >>9898


>Henry VIII destroyed the Church in Britain and stole its assets so he could do whatever he pleased without any legal or moral check. Henry VIII made the Crown not only the supreme authority in the land, but the only one. Henry VIII was immoral, wicked, and a complete statist.


Henry VIII destroyed the incredibly corrupt RC priesthood in England. Sure, he was a self-serving, morally bankrupt king. But in his self-serving, he freed England from the yoke of the Pope and the RC priests. One of the many historical examples where God raises up one evil man against another so that his will is accomplished.