Anonymous ID: 6a6193 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.2680053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0091

>>2679316 pb

>aliens jupiter etc.?

<new age bullshit, captain?


No, I didn't say or suggest that. I just quoted Q's words. What exactly these words mean or do not mean, I do not claim to know. We have help, we are not alone, may mean that not only the US military but those of other countries are collaborating to help end the satanic evil. Or it could mean help of some other, generally unknown kind. Or it could mean that Q's movement for human liberation from evil is a worldwide movement. There are so many things, both known and unknown, that it could imply. Could it mean that God and his blessed son Jesus Christ and the entire heavenly host are helping us? I don't know!

So let's leave it open ended, not adding or deleting anything from Q's crumbs, until we have more info.

Meanwhile if you want to let your imagination run wild, go ahead! If you want to stick to cold hard facts (a lot of what we think of as facts are not, in fact, facts), go ahead!


Seek truth. Seek knowledge. Seek wisdom and understanding.


Truth belongs to We, the People.

God bless patriots.

Anonymous ID: 6a6193 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2680097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0265 >>0280

>>2679631 Re DEA/Cannabis: I am pinching myself. Did I die & go to heaven? Finally, FINALLY a common sense move with the miracle plant. Stop fentanyl at the border, let people use weed products, and voila, no more crisis. Except for the people still in jail who did absolutely nothing except breathe and do something sensible. A great day for the USA.

Anonymous ID: 6a6193 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2680144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0287

>>2679454 , >>2679523 lb US Patent Office website down for days; possible significance (commentary)


I had extensive background with patents at top technology company.

For the USPTO website to be down for ANY length of time is shocking.

Inventors who have patents already filed that are in the prosecution phase with a Patent Examiner prior to approval, modification, or rejection, have hard deadlines set by patent office regulations. They MUST respond within a certain period of time to objections by a patent examiner, or their filing will be rejected. If they are unable to research prior art – and the USPTO website is a primary web to do this – their path to getting a patent approved is severely compromised.

Likewise inventors who have already disclosed an invention (for example, by implementing it in a product) and are just short of the statutory deadline for patent filing MUST file their patent application timely, or they are barred from patenting that invention.

Bottom line, I am underscoring anon's original post in LB about the significance.

I would venture to guess either their database is severely compromised (impossible to imagine!), they are in process of dismissing a raft of Examiners, a major reorganization is underway, or some kind of extensive new guidance is being put in place that will greatly affect the patent process… Or something beyond my wildest imaginings…