Anonymous ID: 6e6ca6 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2679654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9690 >>9695 >>9739 >>9885 >>0287 >>0294 >>0343




The work of Field McConnell and David Hawkins (Able Danger) and Mike McKibben in this area have blown open how the patent office is nothing what we imagined.



Anonymous ID: 6e6ca6 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.2679750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9782


Okay so you have Plum Island in NJ, and Martha's Vinyard Plum, and Montauk and MK Ultra, and Curtis Bashaw, and Jeanine Pepler, and that Nixon girl and Alefantis and Obama all linked up and down from Marthas to Rehoboth Beach and now Block Island.


Wow. I had no idea. Yes…I am a frequent visitor to Galilee / Port Judith / Narraganset…like habitually. Yes, have been to BI.


General Flynn HAS to know, right? Has anyone heard anything at all ever about Nantucket OR Ocracoke? (very familiar with Ocracoke, never heard a peep but then again why would I?).


Have to go out. Will watch again later and post some stuff that will explain my PLUM talk above. If any anons have anything on the east coast trafficking / sharing / pizza for an hour network please post it all.



Anonymous ID: 6e6ca6 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.2680051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've met a 5 women from Syria here in Massachusetts over the last two years. I make a note of them. All of them are Christians that I have met. I talk to them. They talk back. English is great, nice accent. They dress very well, very tastefully, modestly and actually super feminine, have gorgeous eyes, oh and last but not least seem to be quite smart indeed.


The problem is I sort of want to say "I'm sorry" but I am not sure if that is at all appropriate at this point especially when the issue of who is dead and what is destroyed comes up, which it does. I will say this though and I know I am preaching to the choir where does the idea come from that "these people" are barbarians or somehow less than human? Just a bunch of "sand niggers" or whatever? These folks seem to me to be the antithesis of scum-baggery. Perhaps some of our young ladies could learn a thing or two and certainly stop bitching about hard their lives are.


What am I supposed to think about these folks? I don't know. We've been bombing them into civilization?