Anonymous ID: aa6073 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.2679824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9836 >>9862 >>9877


The person Jack is replying to, says.

( I still think there's alot of value in what you say, even though you don't believe Q.)


That right there is part of the problem.

Clowns telling half truths. They( the cabal) plays on both sides, in order to control the narrative.

They will have alternative/right media, sucking people in, when they report correctly on an issue or event.


then on important things, they mislead,twist, and shoo people away from the truth.

General example.

People will then think, Hey, Jack was right on A, B and C so why not believe him on D, E and F