Anonymous ID: c8a337 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.2679630   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you would have said this in the late 1800s and led a Satanic group to plot it all out, they would erect a statue in your honor in Washington DC and no SJW army would EVER knock it down.


In other words, what you said is EXACTLY the plan of these evildoers. And they've made a HELL of a lot of progress in these decades.

Anonymous ID: c8a337 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2679780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9819 >>9901 >>0191



Ok. I've been at this for a long time. With some names you would know. I don't want religionfags to derail this so this is NOT going to be about "what is the one true religion," please no Protestant vs. Catholic bashing or debates or recommendations for what religion people should have: let's stick to discussing historic facts (NOT theology) about what happened to the Catholic Church since about the time of JFK.


The Catholic Church has enemies that want to destroy it, it always has, and its biggest is one that Q specifically pointed out many times. They've plotted to take over and bragged about it - almost succeeded in the early 1900s.


When Pope Pius XII died in October 1958, they did succeed. Angelo Roncalli was a manifest heretic, excommunicated when he joined a luciferian lodge, and so was ineligible to be pope. But his infiltrators got him in, as an occultist he took the name of a PREVIOUS antipope (forbidden by the Church): John 23.


Then he called the Second Vatican Council, which promulgated heresy in ALL of its documents, and ALL SEVEN Catholic sacraments were replaced with new, non-Catholic substitutes. Catholic Mass was essentially the same exact thing for almost 2,000 years, but the new mass, called the NOVUS ORDO (sound familiar?) invalidates it completely: it's not just a translation from Latin, but it's quite opposite of what Mass used to be.


The Catholic Church now teaches more or less the OPPOSITE of what it ever did, in almost every area. It supports the rapefugees, it's against capital punishment, it's all for syncretism and ecumenism, it changed sacred Scripture, the whole thing is inside out.


The problem isn't that they've slackened up and let in a bunch of predators, the problem is the PREDATORS and DESTROYERS are at the top, doing it on purpose, dismantling the entire Church. It's being emptied out. Once Catholic nations are returning to paganism. In the west, most people who are "Catholic" actually don't even know basic Catholic beliefs, and treat it like a country club. We have had a string of antipopes in Rome, and a nearly invalidated hierarchy.


When people ask and want the tl;dr, we often refer them to this documentary. It's short and it's very intelligent and explains the RADICAL changes that occurred because of this hijacking:

Anonymous ID: c8a337 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2679901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Church is "sede vacante"


You can google sedevacantism. Lots of disinfo and smearing, of course.


But thousands of us have been working at this, some for a long time. Many have already passed away.


There were bishops and others who recognized this almost immediately when it happened. They have tried to rewrite the history of Padre Pio, but he appointed a priest, Fr. Luigi Villa, to document and fight this.


It's a HUGE, messed up, complicated situation.


The enemy is with us everywhere. One characteristic of this group is that they ALWAYS try to lead a false resistance. They've done that to patriots and all these other things many anons are part of, and they've done that with the Church - Marcel Lefebvre the hero for some was in on it. He was one of them. I don't know if Q has the video, but WE do. And he was pretty open about it - so many things he did were evil, but people clutch to him and to his invalid successors. Understandable.


The Dimond brothers have made a number of good videos on this: (they are missionaries so they speak against all other religions, and that has no place here so please for the sake of this discussion let's stick with just the historic facts pertaining to Catholics and the radical change that occurred)


And has some photo galleries of interest and their daily commentaries frequently cover the alarming perversion and horrors of this anti-church.


So you have to understand my disappointment and doubt with that Q drop. It's like they are not aware of ANY of this. It's just NOT what would be said by a military operation that would be looking into all this and that has all the data and that knows the history.