Anonymous ID: feebd4 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2679889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0094


Hey Casse-anon . Ive been lurkin and reading your dropsn crumbs . I remember when i was a teen , maybe 15-16 yo , i had to deliver a bloodsample at the hospital ( im foggy reg. reason ). I remember the doc. drained me for half a liter before i called him out , i basically told him "hey WTF are you doing - i thought i was delivering a fucking bloodsample and not stocking up your supply". The doc. reacted with a nervous laughter . Being a big kid i didnt do shit about it . Btw i`m O-negative . I guess it was a money thing , or maybe more sinister ? Those motherfuckers !