Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, noon No.2680409   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.2680419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0575 >>0577 >>0591 >>0631 >>0713 >>0890

In July Obama Praised South African Leader for “Inspiring Great Hope” …On Monday the South African Leader Seized White-Owned Farms


Barack Obama traveled to South Africa in July and delivered a speech at the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg.


During the speech Obama called for guaranteed income.


Obama also praised South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for quote, “Inspiring great hope in this country.”


Tucker Carlson pointed out these stunning comments on his show.


Tucker Carlson: Obama began his remarks by thanking South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for, quote, “Inspiring great hope in this country.” Now if you’ve been following what’s going on in South Africa you might be shocked by that because it turns out Ramaphosa recently declared that he would change the South African constitution and he will do it for the explicit purpose of persecuting a racial minority, seizing their land without compensation not because they committed a specific crime but because they are the wrong color… Thanks to policies like this many South Africans have already been murdered in race killings and many more are fleeing the country for their lives. It’s not covered here but it’s covered in the rest of the world and it’s real.


On Monday the South African government began seizing white-owned farms without compensation. reported:


THE South African government has begun the process of seizing land from white farmers.


Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.


While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2680428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Author: ‘Democrats Plan To Cheat’ In The 2018 Midterm Elections

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.2680438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Murphy Amendment Would Defund US Involvement in Yemen War


Bill expected to come to vote early this week


Recently signed by President Trump, the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sought to place limits on US involvement in the Yemen War, and mandated new reports to Congress regarding involvement. President Trump said in his signing statement he won’t honor those limits, arguing that the war limits violate his role as commander in chief, and the reports put an undue burden on the Pentagon.

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2680448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0546

Tesla in Turmoil: JP Morgan Predicts 30% Stock Plunge

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2680509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0542 >>0549 >>1138


Revelation is written by the cabal 150 years after john died. Go search for the writing experts who have proven this.


God Denies Satan's Book of Revelation - The Organic Gospel has been Reinstated

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.2680598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0894





I'm starting to believe the Chinese branch of the cabal is working with the C_A / MOS to manufacture a war between China and the US.


Think about it deep state is now outing China as an enemy. FB GOOG Twitter Apple all supporting China censorship. Chinese infiltration of hellyweird etc…..


Yet Xi treated Obama like shit when he went to visit China and gave Trump the full VIP treatment even allowing him into the forbidden city where it is speculated Trump meet with the true rulers of China.


The linked article shows case and point all of a sudden we are supposed to take the word of those we KNOW are evil????

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.2680635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0738




Both blinded by years of indoctrination into the faith by the current system! GOD bought me here for a reason. Up until a few years ago I did not believe. He came to me and showed me the light!


Interesting how you both watched a 20 minute video then researched the writing style of john less than a few minutes.


Mind controlled slaves still. Cognitive dissonance!!!!







Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.2680684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judicial Watch Sues Defense Department on Behalf of Whistleblower Who Lost Security Clearance After Raising Questions About Trump Camp Spy Halper


As previously reported, in the fall of 2016, Pentagon analyst Adam Lovinger complained to his bosses about Trump campaign spy Stefan Halper’s exorbitant contracts.

In May 2017 Adam Lovinger was stripped of his security clearance for speaking out against the questionable contracts to Stefan Halper.


Adam Lovinger was dispatched to the NSC from the Pentagon following General Mike Flynn’s departure from the White House. Lovinger, an ally of Flynn, was reportedly removed by White House official H. R. McMaster.


On Monday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced it sued the Defense Department on behalf of Lovinger who lost his security clearance after blowing the whistle the Trump campaign spy planted by Obama’s corrupt FBI.


Not only was Stefan Halper paid over $400,000 by the Washington Headquarters, an $11 million contract was also granted to a D.C. consulting firm Long Term Strategy Group– The firm is owned by Chelsea Clinton’s best friend, Jacqueline Newmyer Deal.


Via Judicial Watch:


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on behalf of former Pentagon analyst and White House National Security Council (NSC) senior director Adam S. Lovinger, whose security clearance was pulled after he raised concerns regarding lucrative government contracts awarded to Stefan Halper, who has been identified as being used an informant by the Obama administration against President Trump’s campaign, as well as Long Term Strategy Group, a consulting firm owned by Chelsea Clinton’s friend Jacqueline Newmyer Deal (Adam S. Lovinger v. U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:18-cv-01914)).


In September 2017, Lovinger filed a whistleblower reprisal complaint against the CAF, which determines security clearance eligibility of non-intelligence personnel, Westgate and James H. Baker, the DOD’s Director of Net Assessment who recommended the contract awards to Halper and Long Term Strategy Group.


In December 2017, Lovinger filed a Privacy Act request seeking:


Any and all emails or similar electronic messaging transmissions referencing the word “Lovinger;” whether in the title or body of said communications(s); between May 1, 2017 and present; to, from, or copied to the following individuals:


A. Mr. Edward Fish, Director DoD CAF


B. Mr. Daniel Purtill, Deputy Director DoD CAF


C. Mr. Ronald Freels, Adjudications Directorate Chief.


In March 2018, the DOD responded, treating his request as both a Privacy Act and a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request and admitting it found 75 pages of responsive documents but was withholding them all in their entirety. Lovinger was informed that Fish, against whom the whistleblower complaint had been filed, had also been the official who determined the documents should be withheld.


In April 2018, Lovinger appealed the DOD’s determination. Over four months later, the appeal has not been addressed. Washington Headquarters Services has refused repeated requests to recuse itself from further involvement in this case despite an apparent conflict of interest. Under existing DOD policy, WHS officials reporting to Westgate will be the final arbiter of Lovinger’s case, which cannot be appealed to the courts.


Also, the DOD has yet to comply with Lovinger’s Privacy Act Request.


President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton had this to say about Lovinger being targeted by Obama’s corrupt cronies:


“Mr. Lovinger was targeted because he blew the whistle on Stefan Halper and a Clinton crony getting suspicious Defense contracts. It is disturbing that the Defense Department may now be implicated in Spygate targeting of President Trump.”

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.2680724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0741

Texas priest disappears amid allegations of sexual abuse of teenage boys


A Texas priest has disappeared amid allegations of sexual abuse that occurred more than a decade ago, according to the Catholic Diocese of Dallas.


Over the weekend, parishioners at St. Cecilia Catholic Church learned that their now-former priest, the Rev. Edmundo Paredes, was under investigation for allegedly molesting three teenage boys.


Bishop Edward Burns told the St. Cecilia Catholic Church congregation that the allegations against Paredes, who had served at the church for 27 years, were found to be credible.


The 69-year-old Paredes had also come under investigation in May 2017 for stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the church, according to The Dallas Morning News. He admitted to financial misconduct and was suspended from the church in June 2017.


The church’s officials believe Paredes may have returned to the Philippines, his native country.


What did the bishop say?


Burns told church members that the allegations had come to light in February. Three men told church officials that they had been sexually assaulted by Paredes when they were in their mid-teens. Burns told the church during his message Saturday:


“It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of these allegations. Our priority was to determine the truth and protect the victims who showed courage by coming forward. With the utmost sensitivity to victims, I have pledged to continue efforts of transparency and need to make you aware of this atrocious and sad event. I want to assure the entire community that we are working to find solutions to create a safer environment. I offer my heartfelt apologies that these crimes have happened in your parish and please know I am praying for all victims of sexual abuse and for all of you here in the St. Cecilia community.”


The bishop said diocesan officials immediately filed a report with local law enforcement agencies upon learning about the accusations so that a criminal investigation could be launched.

What did church members say?


Some members said they were not expecting this type of news following last week’s scathing Pennsylvania grand jury report that detailed 70 years of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.


“I thought they were just going to announce about the Pennsylvania thing, but I did not expect this,” Sylvia Segura said, the Texas Catholic reported. “But we are strong Catholics. I think this is a strong religion that we have and we are going to continue to be Catholic. This is not going to change us. This is not going to break us from our faith. It has sustained us to this day and it will keep sustaining us.”


Segura, who said she first met Paredes in the 1980s, also recalled the former priest’s retirement party last June, according to the Morning News. She said she thought he was still living on the church’s property until Sunday’s news.

What else?


Authorities in the Philippines have reportedly been unable to locate Paredes there.


The Catholic Church plans to hire private investigators to look for Paredes.

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.2680753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sweden – 100 Cars Damaged In New Arson Attacks, Elections In 3 Weeks

Anonymous ID: 0a0222 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.2680897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077

Stalin’s Order #0428 – a picture is worth a thousand words… is it really?


Order # 0428 – the ‘Torch-Men-Order’


Many ask, “How can [so-called] ‘Holocaust Deniers’ and Revisionists, deny the photographic evidence of German Soldiers killing civilians?”

The so-called, proof in pictures.


What is Order #0428 – commonly known as?


[now confirmed by todays Russian Government]


Stalins Order #0428, commanded on the 17th November 1941, declared that Partisans wearing German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 – 60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, who would report the supposed “German Atrocities.”

This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian Partisans wearing German uniforms.


Almost daily, reports were being issued by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics and aim of a “scorched earth” approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands in the most horrific way.

Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the very infrastructure necessary for his advancement in an occupied territory, Germany’s Program, called “Ostacker Programm” (Eastern fields program) was designed to restore the devastated lands.


(Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General’s Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington)

[1][in progress] “Fackelmänner Befehl” (torch men-order) confirmed.

Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin’s order No. 0428, as follows;