Anonymous ID: 327c3d Aug. 20, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.2680546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When you get all the analysts to drop there fake targets heading towards end of 3Q it's not too hard to move a thinly traded market any way you want.

This is the lather, rinse, repeat that needs to be taken out of the markets. As soon as 3q 'earnings' are out all these equity's are then upgraded to begin the next qtr farce.


The system for qtrly reporting is busted beyond all repair. EVERY sector participates in the following: 3-5 days before EOQ the hot potato game starts as the entire system takes it's crappiest assets and sells them to one another. Those assets are parked for at least a few days after the official qtr ends. They then 'sell' all the parked assets back to the original owners so that they are not part of any qtrly audit conducted just prior to and after the closing qtr ends. That forms basis for "earnings season".

All it is and has been is the FED's repo. process. "How much is this sack of crap worth??….Par?!. Take the asset, apply a model of valuation (MOV) which of course always has it fully valued and POOF. Sack of digital cash to do whatever you want with. In most cases whatever gov't debt in tossed around as a result of this process that is bought by the primary dealers is never held for any length of time.

That is another story……