Anonymous ID: 4f053f A broken C_A in China Aug. 20, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2680513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0774 >>0824

i try not to read/link/follow any stories but….


Beginning in late 2010, the Chinese government spent roughly two years infiltrating the pool of CIA agents in China and executing many of them—possibly 30 people in all. It has been unclear how the Chinese government knew who to target, but US officials told Foreign Policy this week that Chinese operatives compromised the CIA spy network thanks to flaws in what was supposed to be a secure communication system. FP reports that the CIA used a clandestine comms system developed in the Middle East in China as well, thinking that it was foolproof. But the agency severely underestimated China's surveillance prowess and ability to identify and expose covert digital traffic. The mistake not only disrupted US intelligence-gathering in China, but also reportedly got many agents killed.