Anonymous ID: 88fbf9 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.2680656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0698 >>0730


Lol, nice bait. The replies to this are priceless as people bend over backwards to to dull the cognitive dissonance.


I assume u did not want an answer, because this is prime bait but I'll give one anyways.


GOD is not just good, he is good and evil. you can not have good without evil to compare it with. God plays the part of both good and evil, tall and short, young and old. He is non-bianary. The polar opposites are part of the show in this world. But he is behind all. When you step beyond the veil you realize they are all of the same source.


When the great drama is over and we see all the characters Stalin, Ghandi, JFK etc standing with the curtain up. And they take a bow for the role they played, you will not hold applause for Stalin because he was evil. He played the roll marvelously and had us terrified, we almost believed it was all real. In the same way, you too play a role, but when the time comes the real you will stand up from beyond the veil and take a bow from playing Mr. SoandSo brilliantly.