Anonymous ID: eb3ede Aug. 20, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.2681094   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1111 >>1112


Whad dhe fugg did you jusd fugging say aboud me, you liddle bidgh? i’ll have you gnow i graduaded :DD dob of my glass in dhe navy seals, and i’ve been involved :DD in numerous segred :DD raids on al-quaeda, and i have over 300 gonfirmed :DD gills. I am drained :DD in gorilla warfare and i’m dhe dob sniber in dhe endire us armed :DD forges. You are nodhing do me bud jusd anodher darged :DD. I will wibe you dhe fugg oud widh bregision dhe liges of whigh has never been seen before on dhis eardh, marg my fugging words. You dhing you gan ged :DD away widh saying dhad shid do me over dhe inderned? dhing again, fugger. As we sbeag i am gondagding my segred :DD nedworg of sbies agross dhe usa and your ib is being draged :DD righd now so you bedder brebare for dhe sdorm, maggod. Dhe sdorm dhad wibes oud dhe badhedig liddle dhing you gall your life. You’re fugging dead, gid. I gan be anywhere, anydime, and i gan gill you in over seven hundred :DD ways, and dhad’s jusd widh my bare hands. Nod only am i egsdensively drained :DD in unarmed :DD gombad, bud i have aggess do dhe endire arsenal of dhe unided :DD sdades marine gorbs and i will use id do ids full egsdend do wibe your miserable ass off dhe fage of dhe gondinend, you liddle shid. If only you gould have gnown whad unholy redribudion your liddle “glever” gommend was aboud do bring down ubon you, maybe you would have held your fugging dongue. Bud you gouldn’d, you didn’d, and now you’re baying dhe brige, you goddamn idiod. I will shid fury all over you and you will drown in id. You’re fugging dead, giddo.