Anonymous ID: f1ac95 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.2680559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

at first I was thinking this is a little off topic but then I thought again and realized the reason I even thought of posting it is exactly because it's relevant, sick. This adorable 5 year old is being taken to where else.. the state capital Virginia and knowing what we know it is sickening to watch these letcherous basturds and bitches grab on to access in any manner they can and expose these kids for the sick pleasure of having had the opportunity to experience even at a distance, much like watching pornography picking a girl that caught your eye, it's not real but the fantasies are immense then add sexual deviancy the caliber we have witnessed in those dug down & exposed by QAnons. Knowing what we know kistening to this vid (approx 5:) it is so easy to pick up on the manipulation of the mother feeding the child's ego "oh that's soooo pretty" 'you're so special'

Then to watch that fat fuck virginia governor pick her up give her a little 'you're so cute' (squeeze) hug the fawning over her knowing what they really want and will likely be on the phone the minute they get home having his people inquire what it would cost to 'buy' her, she would be promised a life of success & excess and you mom, you get $$$???


5 years old Sophie performing at State Capital for then governor jim justice gives me the creeps reminds me of a vampire whose tongue for certain, is that of a snake.