Anonymous ID: 15ffd5 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.2681404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LB replies

>>2680929 last

Military bullshit. Nearly all worthwhile accomplishments are made by civilians. The military turns kids into killers, nothing else. >>2681014

Normies are talking about the Michael Cohen bullshit. If you see that, drop a copy of Q's post on the movies.


Trump has over 200 appts sitting in the do-fuck-all Senate. McConnell has gotta go. >>2681054

More shit posts are the only thing protestantism has "more' of than the Church.


I've heard that pedophiles and narcissists cant reform or be reformed, because the illness has become part of their personality . Sad. >>2681121

The NIV is a bad version and should be avoided. The NASB is accurately translated. >>2681121


The Vatican is heavily-infiltrated by the masonic nwo, however, the Vatican predates the masonic nwo and will also post-date it.


Your eimmature, ignorant, and unhinged. Get out of the woods and learn something. When you said you read the Catechism and understood it, you lied. God hates liars, especially those who spread false religion, like the protestants do. >>2681159

The NASD is the most accurate contemporary translation. It also includes all the book that the prideful and arrogant prostestants took out in 1825 because they suddenly knew more in 1825 than 1500+ years of collective Christian knowledge.