Anonymous ID: 168bf0 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2681437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1468

"He married brewing heiress Anita Guinness in 1981 and had three children, Kate (b.1982); Alice (b.1983) and James (b.1985). He farmed during his twenties and didn't join the family business until 1987 at age 32. He served an apprenticeship before being appointed executive chairman of Rothschild Asset management in 1993. His obit continues:


"Amschel was regularly billed as the heir presumptive to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild for the chairmanship (Sir Evelyn's children being still too young to be candidates), though newspaper reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner, he was too 'nice', that he lacked the killer instinct."


On July 8 1996 he was found dead in the bathroom of his suite at the Bristol Hotel in Paris. According to the official story, he had committed suicide by hanging himself with the belt of his bathrobe.


"The [French] crime scene investigators never called it 'suicide,'" reporter Theirry de Segonzac told The Spotlight in a telephone interview from Paris. "After photographing the body, one of the detectives gave the towel rack tied to the body a strong tug. It came right out of the wall."


Possibly a case where, with the now known information twenty two years later, the past event of Amschel Rothschild's death may very well be proven to have been a case of murder.