Anonymous ID: 68d496 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.2681399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1440

>>2680918 pb

>>2680950 pb

>>2681069 pb

>>2681119 pb

>>2681172 pb


Gotcha, so far Parameters seem to be:


>BITCH / RANT / RAVE about whatever you want, as long as "it's within our MSM Talking Points"...thus AJones just prints out Articles and bitches "I told you so!"


>always keep it at "THEY"...never be specific about WHO walking the planet now is nefarious (again, aside from the pre-planned Avatars in the media (i.e. "Hillary", "Junker"))


>SLOW ROLL / SLOW that by the time people are aware of a problem, it's already been in existence for 10 years


>generally, fill the role of MASCOT...Alex Jones, Loomer, Posobiec etc are to be THE DESIGNATED MICKEY MOUSES for the audience of People Who notice Shit


So their overall Social Engineering Mission would be something like:

>rouse people to Anger / keep them distracted with their own Anger

>be the "Trusted Source" that people come back to for Answers

>by being "crazy" every now and then, by POISONING-THE-WELL, they keep the Compare-and-Contrast line between MAINSTREAM and ALT well-defined