Anonymous ID: 8561a1 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.2681192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1493

The Starbucks App Is Down, Triggering A Monday Millennial Meltdown


The Starbucks App is down for scheduled maintenance during the early morning coffee hour, and millennials are not happy about it.


Many took to Twitter to voice their frustration and crack jokes about the timing of the maintenance.


People didn’t know how to react in San Diego.

Anonymous ID: 8561a1 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2681207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1253 >>1601 >>1712

Wise Man DeGrasse Tyson Wants A New Government Force, Too. Bolt Your Doors.


On Monday morning, Esteemed Wise Man Of Science Neil DeGrasse Tyson gave his blessing to President Trump’s idea of a “Space Force,” but immediately followed with a call for an entity right out of the pages of George Orwell’s “1984”: a “Truth Force.”


In “1984,” the language in Oceania is streamlined by destroying words, thus tightening the range of thought so “thoughtcrime” is impossible. It does seem as though DeGrasse Tyson is suggesting that the government control what information is disseminated to the public, not unlike Orwell’s masterpiece.

Anonymous ID: 8561a1 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2681224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1398 >>1593 >>1712

ruh roh


Jeremy Corbyn Allegedly Met Secretly With Officials From Hamas


British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn reportedly met with officials from the terrorist organization Hamas on a 2010 trip to Israel and the West Bank.


According to i24NEWS, Corbyn met with two groups of Hamas parliamentarians during his trip between November 5-9 as a part of a delegation with the Islamist lobby group Middle East Monitor (MEMO).


The trip also reportedly violated parliamentary rules due to Corbyn failing to disclose it to the British Parliament’s Register of Members’ Financial Interests. A colleague on the trip, Labour MP Andrew Slaughter, declared the trip to cost £927, which is over the threshold which required MPs to report gifts of £660 or more. Slaughter claimed the trip was funded by Friends of Al-Aqsa and Middle East Monitor.


i24NEWS claims to have obtained evidence of Corbyn’s visit despite MEMO deleting it.


The trip reportedly included meetings with cleric Raed Salah, who has been jailed for inciting anti-Semitism and violence, whom Corbyn once labeled a “very honoured citizen.” In Ramallah, Corbyn reportedly met with Mahmoud al Ramahi, Muni Saleem Mansour, Naser Abd El-Jawad, Omar Abdel-Razeq, and Aziz Dweik — all of whom are Hamas politicians.


The UK Labor Party defended Corbyn’s alleged visit with terrorists, claiming, "Jeremy has a long and principled record of solidarity with the Palestinian people and engaging with actors in the conflict to support peace and justice in the Middle East. That is the right thing to do."