Anonymous ID: 8ef61b Aug. 20, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.2681723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1734 >>1735

Part 1


White Hat Operation to Locate a Rogue Sub on Aug 10


Another take on Q drop #1869. JMO.


“Calculate probability. What is the mathematical probability that a rogue missile launched at/near the runaway plane?”


Q is telling us that someone/something targeted the Q400 plane with a missile. Presumably, the Q400 was used as a decoy to draw fire. Note: Q says “runaway” plane instead of “stolen” or “hijacked” plane. (IOW, nobody was in the cockpit).


“Was he a trained pilot?”


MSM reported that Richard B. Russell was employed as a baggage handler, not a pilot. Given the sophisticated aerobatic maneuvers, the Q400 passenger plane was probably remote-controlled by /our guys/. They intentionally crashed the Q400 on Ketron Island to trigger an investigation there. (Nobody died.)


“How fast did intercept occur? Think missile intercept.”


The missile launched toward the runaway Q400 was intercepted so fast that it was not visible to eyewitnesses. (Advanced cloaking tech?)


“Think aircraft. Outside of standard deviation?”


Using a “specialized weapons package” (drop #1730), a military aircraft (F-35?) intercepted a missile that was launched from a rogue sub, possibly the “decommissioned” Richard B. Russell. On Aug 13, POTUS said “F-35 joint strike fighters — you know, that’s stealth,”… “I talked to a couple of pilots, great pilots, they said, ‘they’re hard to beat because you can’t see them.’” https://


So, the location of the rogue sub is now known and it was neutralized. Was this the same sub that launched the unauthorized missile at AF1 on June 10? The sub was probably captured and not destroyed. (See drop #952 for the first DS sub capture.)


Note: The plane that crashed in 2009 with Beverly Eckert aboard (9/11 wife) was also a Q400. Q said 7/10 crashes are targeted kills (drop #525). Was Eckert’s crash a remote-controlled [187] by the Deep State? Apparently, Eckert’s plane performed a barrel roll before crashing. By performing a similar maneuver on Aug 10, maybe /our guys/ were sending the DS a message …

“We know.” Sauce >>2662271

Anonymous ID: 8ef61b Aug. 20, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.2681735   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 2


White Hat Operation to Locate a Rogue Sub on Aug 10


Another take on Q drop #1869. JMO


“Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?”


Q used the Forensic Information Scanning Hub to locate criminals connected to Ketron Island (FISH = criminal investigation software).



“How many billionaires own islands? How many billionaires live on islands?”


Apparently, billionaire Bill Gates has a connection to Ketron Island. The undeveloped southern end where the plane crashed is owned by Gary Lundgren, chairman of Global Finance and Investments. Lundgren is an agent for Evans Llewellyn Securities, Inc which is run by Andrew Evans, manager of Bill Gates’ fortune and an old friend.



Evans is a convicted felon, and Lundgren has a shady history with possible fraud in Panama at Trump Ocean Club.



Moar interdasting sauce: https://



Q located bad actor(s) on Ketron Island using the Google GeoTracking on their cell phones.




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