Anonymous ID: a6ec44 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.2681335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1398 >>1593 >>1712




These are donations to a single democrat's midterm campaign. The donations are largely outside the PA district in question, and come from TECH industries. These are pulled from JUST 1 quarter of campaign contributions. All the big ones Google, Twitter, FB, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and twitter are represented.

The donations from silicon valley tech giants who are censoring and controlling us, are far more in contributions than local donations, and this is repeated in every quarter of this candidate's campaign.



These donations are for the 11th District in PA, a new dem being pushed HARD–Jess King. Dems plan to break this long-held Republican area and seeing their plan, they just might do it. My progression of dig follows.

PUSHING. The money flowing toward this democrat wolf in sheep's clothing is supposedly grass roots but she is the only candidate drawing a salary from her campaign. (is that even allowed?) and digs show all the tech giants funding her campaign.

Buried among some good-sounding platform and feel-good spin, her issues are NO VOTER ID (justified with a list of leftist talking points), IMMIGRANT RIGHTS (justified with a list of leftist talking points), GUN CONTROL (justified with a list of leftist talking points). Her talking points on these particular platform issues are word for word lifted right from our worst anti-freedom nightmares.


How JESS KING is designed to break this Republican district…she's 'a mennonite'. This large district still is largely rural, with farms owned by Amish, Mennonites, and small family farms. They make up the district, a very conservative base. They'll think her one of their own, and mistake her spin at face value (poor immigrant families ripped apart, nobody should have assault weapons of war, yadda yadda). And these voters are we cant reach with truth over the internet..they don't use it, Amish don't even use electricity.


-Super shiny $website, no registry owner info available (private)

-Her campaign funds pay her a salary

-Friends for Jess King, is the campaign PAC.

-List of donations to the PAC show many from CALIFORNIA and NYC


>Treasurer who filed with the FEC is Juzer Rangoonwala. NO OTHER principals are named.

>He works at FIGMd

>what is FIGMd? - a super medical and healthcare data collection platform

FIGMD operates the largest clinical data registries in the country


From FEC list of donations, I found Becca Rast to be campaign manager. Then I found all the tech giants' donations.

Anonymous ID: a6ec44 Aug. 20, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.2681984   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i forgive you

emotional manipulation

>I am so far from being a kate

who cares

>you would laugh at yourself

sjw words

>do you need an enemy so bad


>you assume everyone on the board is 'kate'

can't separate metaphor from literalism

>you're reading a lot like tiresias right now


>is everyone on the board an AI next?

putting words in anon mouth to make an over-exageration


TLDR: emotional arguments are not arguments