Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.2681418   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1456

These are Circassian dancers

The Circassians are a Caucasus people

Who live in different parts of South Russia

In or near the Caucasus.

Their language Adyghe has 50-60 consonants.

For instance 6 forms of the consonant K

You can listen to the pronunciation here

The Circassians were the first southerners

To officially join the Russian Empire as Cossacks

They are Sunni muslims and are one of many

Aboriginal peoples of Eurasia that we call

The Russians

Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2681456   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1485 >>1501



In the above linked message

I used the term The Russians

For a reason.


Compare to the use of the term

The Jews in the meme

Of the below linked message




Perhaps there is far more DIVERSITY

In any identifiable group

Than most outsiders realize?


For instance inside Israel

Why does Netanyahu have fierce political battles

To win elections?

If they were all The Jews wouldn't they pretty much


Well, since they down't agree

Isn't that a sign that Q was right

Most people are good.


20% of Israel is now ethnic Russians

Many of them don't even bother to learn Hebrew.

Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2681493   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Why are patriots continuing to buy

From this liberal globalist company

That really is owned and controlled

By Dr. Evil and his henchmen?


This is no joke.

The real joke is that people call themselves patriots

But do not support independent local businesses

Do not look for alternative suppliers of goods and services

That are not feeding the Cabal.

Do you still shop at WalMart?

Do you still pay to watch Hollywood blockbusters?

When small indie musicians play in your area

Do you go to their performances?

Or do you just pay the Cabal more $$$

And listen to the latest Ariana Grande hit?

Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2681571   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1586 >>1618 >>1685



Why is 666 the number of the Beast?


6 Protons

6 Neutrons

6 Electrons


1 Carbon atom


We are the beast!!!

This world we live in is Hell.

We are spirits who incarnate in the bodies of beasts

Created out of carbon compounds

These beasts are not US

We are the eternal spirits and once we FULLY awaken

We will go to Heaven

And live in the wholly non-material world

Behind the curtain

Where the true light of God

Shines through us

And makes figures on the curtain


We see those figures and call them reality

But Plato warned us, they are just shadows

We are stuck in a cave,

separated from God

Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.2681729   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1740 >>1762 >>1911



Been looking for photos of Asia Argento

Wearing a charm pendant

But no luck

However, look at this!!!


First the tattoo

The overall look is the shape of a horned head

And there are 7 danglies below

If you include the central pendant

Which I do because of Madonna's

60th birthday headdress


Go here

And search for the word danglies

To see my posts about this


This means that Argento was in the 7th circle of Hell

When she got the tattoo

But now see her one year ago in Cannes

Flashing a horns symbol, Y-head

And emphasizing the all-seeing eye

Of the very to of the pyramidal hierarchy

And she is wearing a spider ornament

Which we all know represents the number 8

She has now descended to the 8th level of Hell


The same as Gloria V

And one above the center circle

The 9th circle where Philippine Rothschild was

Here is a photo of her pendant in 2011

With the horns pointing down to Hell

Anonymous ID: f65ace Aug. 20, 2018, 2:38 p.m. No.2681802   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1841

POTUS keeps repeating Rigged Witch Hunt

You need to understand Q's comms

To decode this.

He is not just saying that the Mueller investigation is RIGGED

Or that the elections were RIGGED

Or that the banking system is RIGGED

Or that Hollywood is RIGGED

He is reminding us that all of society is RIGGED

All of our history is RIGGED

All our religions are RIGGED

And it is the WITCHES who have done this

And who preside over this system

The WITCHES are the man behind the curtain

Behind every Great Man there stands a WITCH in the shadows.


POTUS is actually telling US to HUNT THE WITCHES.

The witch hunt is our hunt

Ignore Mueller because the political system of the USA

Is now under control of POTUS

And the things happening now are a movie

Enjoy what you see and pass the popcorn


But, when you want to dig

Then HUNT for WITCHES who have RIGGED everything

They have RIGGED our entire lives

They are in our heads right now

Trying to control the way we think

True freedom from the WITCHES

Requires us to take responsibility for our own lives

And not to look up to authority

Not even POTUS

Jeff Sessions is a shining example that we can follow

He has a task, he knows what is right and what is wrong

He takes full responsibility for his actions

He swore to uphold the Constitution

And so he carries out his task faithfully

Without deviating from his oath

We all must take responsibility like this in our lives


Jeff Sessions is not taking any shortcuts

Even though this exposes him to ridicule

Even though he must put on the armor of God

Every day, not to protect him from the Cabal

But to protect him from patriots

Who seem to have missed the message about UNITY.


The easy life is over folks.

From now on in we have to take charge

Right now, Job #1 is to win the midterms

And simply going out and voting is NOT ENOUGH

We need to get out and ASK QUESTIONS

In our local communities


Talk to liberals

Talk to conservatives

Will they vote in support of Trump's administration in November?

If not, then why?

Ask questions!!!!!