Anonymous ID: fba9e9 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.2681312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"FRANK'S FRANKS" got back on my radar today.


I was away from home and unable to rewind or record, but as I remember it….


It was KTLA Los Angeles, 11am or noon newscast. They had a blonde reporter in Long Beach talking about renovations and prep for the upcoming Olympics. (This is not the same report that is currently on their wen site with reporter Wendy Burch.


I don't like the idea of throwing every suspect moment at the wall and seeing what sticks, especially when we're potentially calling out public figures who may be totally innocent. So with grain of salt in mind…


At the end of the report, which included mention of renovating the concession stand row along the beach, the anchor (who I THINK was Frank Buckley) started talking about his dreams of having a hot dog stand at the beach, Frank's Franks, and the joy of slinging hot dogs around.


A male co-anchor chimed in very enthusiastically, they both said "Frank's Franks" more than once. Having dug before on the bizarre "Frank's Franks" info out there, I immediately noticed and the exchange just seemed strange, somewhat forced. Huge enthusiasm….over hot dogs. In the context of prepping for a major trafficking event in the Olympics.


Could be a nothingburger. Buckley's career includes time at CNN, being the first US reporter to go to Japan after the tsunami, JFK Jr.'s plane crash, traveling with many campaigns, and he has a Foundation for Juvenile Diabetes.


He could be a totally upstanding, awesome guy who happened to dream of having his own place named after himself. But I wanted to post in case any more videos surface or we find more crumbs.