Anonymous ID: 4fd0f5 Aug. 20, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.2681976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2158 >>2277 >>2496

‘Potentially thousands’ of child slaves forced to work on illegal London cannabis farms


Children are being trafficked from Vietnam and other countries to perform slave labour on hundreds of cannabis farms across London, experts have warned.


New figures released on Monday expose the scale of illegal cannabis farming in the British capital, where police said they had found 314 farms since 2016 — the equivalent of one every two days — according to Scotland Yard data obtained by the London Evening Standard.


One policeman, Detective Superintendent Lee Hill, told the Standard that there was a “human, emotional” toll in finding cannabis farms because there are so often children being exploited on them in dangerous situations. In particular, he said Vietnamese boys and teenagers are often asked to watch over properties in case rival gangs approach or a police raid is planned. “I’ve recovered children who are being exploited. They are there to protect the properties,” Hill said.


While the farms were found in every single borough of London, the highest concentration was found in Croydon in south London, with 30 factories found there in total. Hill said that the number was so high in Croydon for a number of reasons, including the fact that the borough was London’s largest and that it had high levels of gang activity and violence.


“I think we can make links to gang activity. Some of the recoveries are within gang territory areas. A lot of it does comes down to organized criminality,” he said. Hill said that historically the farms were found in industrial estates, but that it was becoming more common to find them in attics and residential properties.


Jakub Sobik, a spokesman for Anti-Slavery International, told Reuters the figures were “extremely worrying” and that it meant “potentially thousands of children and young people are being trafficked from Vietnam and exploited by ruthless criminal gangs”.

Anonymous ID: 4fd0f5 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:01 p.m. No.2681999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2395 >>2496 >>2567

Vaping Can Damage Users’ Mouth DNA, Cause Cancer - Study


The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) around the world continues to grow, with many people viewing them as a safer alternative form of smoking. However, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota, toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes modify genetic material in users’ mouths, which could increase their risk of cancer.


The researchers, who are presenting their study Monday at the 256th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), collected saliva samples from from five e-cigarette users before and after a 15-minute vaping session in order to analyze the samples for chemicals known to mutilate DNA. To perform their analysis, the researchers used a mass spectrometry method that was developed to assess DNA damage caused by alcohol consumption.


The researchers found that three known DNA-harming compounds, namely formaldehyde, acrolein and methylglyoxal, were present in the volunteers' saliva after a vaping session. In addition, four out of the five users showed a type of DNA damage, called a DNA adduct, linked to acrolein exposure. A DNA adduct is a section of DNA bound to a cancer-causing chemical that indicates the formation of cancerous cells. In this case, the DNA adduct occurred when acrolein reacted with DNA in the mouth.


"E-cigarettes are a popular trend, but the long-term health effects are unknown," says Romel Dator, one of the study's researchers, Medical Xpress reported Monday. "We want to characterize the chemicals that vapers are exposed to, as well as any DNA damage they may cause."

Anonymous ID: 4fd0f5 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.2682026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2054 >>2061 >>2123 >>2158 >>2496

Justin Trudeau accuses woman of ‘racism,’ ‘intolerance’ for asking him about ‘illegal immigrants’


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused a woman of “racism” and “intolerance” after she yelled questions to him about “illegal immigrants” during an outdoor event in Quebec last week, Global News reported.


The woman asked Trudeau when the government would repay the province for the $146 million that Quebec says it has cost to handle an influx of asylum-seekers, the outlet said — although the Global News video of Thursday evening’s incident quoted the woman as using the term “illegal immigrants.”


“One of the important things in politics is to listen,” Trudeau replied to her before saying “This intolerance toward immigrants has no room in Canada,” Global News said. The pair spoke to each other in French.


CTV News quoted Trudeau as saying, “That intolerance with regard to diversity, you don’t belong in Canada. Madame, your intolerance doesn’t belong here.”


After Trudeau was finished behind the microphone, he was seen on video shaking hands in the crowd when the same woman approached him and asked if he’s tolerant of “true-stock Quebecois,” Global News said.


Trudeau repeated his chastisement, Global News noted, telling the woman that “your intolerance … your racism has no place here.”

Anonymous ID: 4fd0f5 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:18 p.m. No.2682143   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 4fd0f5 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.2682174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2496

DOJ Indicts Iranians Accused Of Spying For Iran On Jewish, Anti-Khomeini Groups


The Department of Justice indicted two individuals accused of spying on Israeli and Jewish facilities in the United States, as well as the anti-Khomeini group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).


Ahmadreza Mohammadi-Doostdar, 38, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, and Majid Ghorbani, 59, an Iranian citizen and resident of California, were arrested on August 9, according to records which were unsealed on Monday.


According to the indictment, in or about July 2017, Doostdar traveled to the United States from Iran in order to collect intelligence information about entities and individuals considered by the government of Iran to be enemies of that regime, including Israeli and Jewish interests, and individuals associated with the MEK, a group that advocates the overthrow of the current Iranian government.


On or about July 21, 2017, Doostdar is alleged to have conducted surveillance of the Rohr Chabad House, a Jewish institution located in Chicago, including photographing the security features surrounding the facility. -DOJ


Ghorbani is alleged to have attended a MEK rally in New York City, where he allegedly photographed individuals participating in the protest against the current Iranian regime.


In or about December 2017, Doostdar returned to the United States from Iran and made contact with Ghorbani in the Los Angeles area. During the meeting, Doostdar paid Ghorbani approximately $2,000 in cash and Ghorbani delivered to him 28 photographs taken at the September 2017 MEK rally, many of which contained hand-written annotations identifying the individuals who appeared in the photos. These photographs, along with a hand-written receipt for $2000, were found concealed in Doostdar’s luggage as he transited a U.S. airport on his return to Iran in December 2017. -DOJ


Ghorbani is also said to have traveled to Iran "in or about" March 2018 to conduct an "in-person briefing," after which he attended the MEK-affiliated 2018 Iran Freedom Convention for Human Rights in Washington DC. "During the course of the conference, Ghorbani appeared to photograph certain speakers and attendees, which included delegations from across the United States. On May 14, Doostdar called Ghorbani to discuss clandestine methods Ghorbani should use in order to provide this information to Iran," reads the DOJ statement.


“This alleged activity demonstrates a continued interest in targeting the United States, as well as potential opposition groups located in the United States,” said Acting Executive Assistant Director McGarrity. “The FBI will continue to identify and disrupt those individuals who seek to engage in unlawful activity, on behalf of Iran, on US soil.”