Anonymous ID: 9a32f7 US Ambassadors to Russia Aug. 20, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.2682612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have we taken a closer look at these guys?


Past few decades ambassadorships have been payoffs for big campaign donors.


Now we find at least oneof the Russian oligarchs was hangin at the US embassy in Moscow:


In particular, Deripaska


Who were the ambassadors over the last few decades?


Thomas R. Pickering New Jersey May 12, 1993 May 21, 1993 November 1, 1996 Chargé d'Affaires ad interim: Richard M. Miles (November 1996-May 1997), and John F. Tefft (May 1997-January 1998).

James Franklin Collins Illinois August 1, 1996 January 26, 1998

Alexander Vershbow Massachusetts 2001 2005 Presentation did not happen as Vershbow ignored the official ceremony of giving his letter of credence to Russian President[3]

William Joseph Burns District of Columbia August 10, 2005 2005 March 2008

John Beyrle Michigan May 13, 2008 September 18, 2008 January 2012

Michael McFaul Montana December 2011 January 2012 February 26, 2014

John Francis Tefft Wisconsin July 31, 2014


Worth a dog or two