Anonymous ID: bbd400 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:11 p.m. No.2682080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Obama administration, it's DOJ, FBI & CIA ran a black propaganda operation on the judges of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

To be specific, the sources of the 'dossier', that were used as justification to apply for and receive the surveillance warrants on TRUMP and those around him, were not responsible for the creation of the dossier.

The deceitful application process was necessary in order to attempt to transform the unfounded allegations against POTUS from the purely political world of politicians, media and pundits into the realm of the legal system.

Once the black propaganda was injected into the legal system the perpetrators of the psyop have intentionally clouded the minds of the the public through their allies the FAKE NEWS to such an extent that the public has forgotten that the BURDEN OF PROOF is not on POTUS to prove a negative (that he is not an agent of Russia), rather, the burden lies solely on those who have brought these weaponized allegations into our legal system.


Fuck you cabal.

POTUS need not dance for Mueller.