Anonymous ID: e69a40 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.2682031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well, one of the "attack Qanon" stories has made it's way to my small town newspaper today. From the Left-Leonard Pitts-Miami Herald says we are a loosely knit online community and that our narrative is built on suspicions and vivid imaginations more than fact.


According to him, Q works in the nation's energy department and has a top secret clearance. He goes on to quote "various experts" saying that conspiracy theories grow out of the mind's need to feel something other than helpless in the face of a changing and complicated world.


Qanon is scary because it's promoters want it to be triggering the Libs or owning the Libs - ie - doing things specifically to upset liberals. Such mindsets can encourage the unhinged to act in unpredictable ways ie - pizzagate shooter, Weasel Avenatti's office and Hoover Dam.


Pitt's ends with, so much for those of us who still find some value in facts. They're not always available, but they're worth pursuing…obviously, he did no pursuing himself.

Anonymous ID: e69a40 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.2682176   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hyperinflation…I thought we were going to end up with this due to all the printing of notes that has taken place. No country, who has tried to buy their way out of debt, has succeeded…ever. Have we?