Anonymous ID: eb0ce8 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.2682199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2213 >>2250


>>2679631 (pb)

>DEA Makes Shocking Move, Orders Increase In Cannabis Production by 500% to Fight Opioid Crisis

>>2680097 (pb)

>I am pinching myself. Did I die & go to heaven?


Let's not get carried away now


Remember, DEA supplies are primarily for National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded studies, which has traditionally ONLY funded studies by comped academia with a vested interest in showing that ANY USE is harmful. There is a huge conflict of interest that no one dares (pun intended) speak of. The same is true with climatologists who study "muh man made climate change". If an honest junior scientist who doesn't know the game publishes data from a federally funded study which fails to support the federally mandated CO2 associated climate change agenda, then s/he is put on a black list and never gets funding again.


The same is true with NIDA funded studies. I once knew a senior NIDA researcher who designed a study investigating 3 different interventions for youth busted for marijuana possession. The intervention that worked best (from any logical persons perspective) involved cognitive behavioral therapy, tutoring, and work force skills training. This group had better academic performance, better school attendance, lower crime rates, better employment opportunities, and lower MJ and other drug use in general. However, because their MJ use did not drop to ZERO (total abstinence), it was considered a FAILED intervention by those holding the purse strings at NIDA. This is the kind of twisted mentality that you have at NIDA and DEA. They would like us all to believe that they care about the kids, but when you look closely at the outcomes of their actions it becomes crystal clear that they NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL BE INTERESTED IN GENUINE HARM REDUCTION.

Anonymous ID: eb0ce8 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.2682362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2378


>And lets not forget this from 2014


well, shit that explains everything!


that was back when NIDA and FDA got publicly reemed publically on C-Span by Congress (mainly by democrats trying to look good for their constituents). so, what was the result? the fact that it is still a schedule I substance at the federal level and most of us still can’t grow it in our backyard without a permit means the DEA’s action had zero positive impact.


here is a condensed version of that testimony, but if you get high and watch the entire video, certain parts are funny as hell. Aside from panel testimony, some of the democrats testimony were hilarious, especially when watching the young aids behind them who are smiling and trying not to snicker like they were in church.

Anonymous ID: eb0ce8 Aug. 20, 2018, 3:58 p.m. No.2682491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2502


>Trump can reschedule by EO, never forget that.


That would be the nuclear TRUMP card that would guarantee victory should the mid-terms get too close for comfort. Come to think of it, he probably has a few nuclear TRUMP cards up his sleeve if he needs them. ;-)