Anonymous ID: 8c24a4 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2682914   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Original message from first post was:



>Supreme Consciousness


>If one cannot become a superman, can one create a controllable superman?

Probably a LARP/shill, but it's interesting to think that Turing might be one of Them.

He was:

  • A nobody who suddenly jumped to prominence.

  • A faggot.

  • Instrumental in the war effort.

He also:

  • Died by suicide (hmm…).

  • Had a bullshit movie made about him which the Left then immediately jumped on as not 'progressive' enough. I suspect things like this are sometimes planned, just to keep people off-balance.

Fuck me. Was Alan Turing Cabal?