Anonymous ID: d2dce8 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.2682838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2853 >>2945

>>2682725 (LB)



"West Point Grad & Former US Army Officer Joachim Hagopian Exposes the Global Child Trafficking Ring"


-Pizza Gate is real and the fingerprints of the Podestas, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are written all over it.


-Remember the lone gunman who supposedly fired a gun in Comet Ping Pong (Pizza Gate Restaurant)? He turned out to be yet another known actor, and both actor and his father while serving as director of yet another NGO for Haitian children were employed in Haiti just several years earlier, indelibly linked to the Clintons’ pillaging of the poorest Western Hemisphere nation where the infamous crime duo swindled billions from Haitian post-earthquake victims.


-Throw in Laura Silsby, a convicted child kidnapper and would-be trafficker of 33 Haitian kids, who was legally aided and abetted by Hillary as then secretary of state, and the untimely, highly suspicious death of young journalist Monica Petersen investigating it.


***Why hasn't the mainstream news reported the 1,500 arrests made (474 in California alone, in one month) against child sex trafficking rings during President Trump’s very first month in office as opposed to the entire year 2014 under Obama’s watch when only 400 arrests resulted. Why, could they be the same monsters? Sure looks like MSM and the pedophiles are one and the same. Case in point, alleged pedophile John Podesta was hired by Jeff Bezos owner of the Washington Post’s and Amazon as a columnist (2017).


-MSM’s role as the liberal left’s propaganda machine is to constantly lie and create only fake news rather than reveal the honest truth. That’s why Congress and Obama rushed through censorship legislation less than a month prior to the traitor leaving office, handing over bogus authority to their prostitutes Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and MSM to eliminate the only truthful news source left to the people.


~exerpts taken from excellent articles written by West Point graduate and former US Army officer, Joachim Hagopian.


p.s., Anon/ I really like Joachim Hagopian. He is a prolific writer.

Anonymous ID: d2dce8 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2682915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow, that's a long list for one day. We used to have a separate bread so we can keep track but it looks like it fell off the catalog?

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