Anonymous ID: e9c541 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.2682882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2905 >>3062 >>3162 >>3225 >>3409 >>3472

During the weeks leading up to the end of America's involvement in the Viet Nam war, officially April 30, 1975 (the day


Saigon fell to the communist Viet Cong forces), orphaned children numbering in the thousands were airlifted out of Viet Nam


using international military and civilain aircraft in what was known as Operation Babylift. It began with an unsanctioned


flight with children as young as infants, which was followed by officially sanctioned flights, the first of which was a


disaster when the massive C-5A Galaxy transport jet crashed after takeoff, killing 155 (out of 310) passengers, half of


which were children.


Considering the time, one can just imagine the who, what and where extent of cabal fuckery involved with those children.


Prime suspects include: The president at the time, (Gerald Ford), who was involved with the JFK assassination investigation


(coverup) Warren Commission Report, and George Bush Sr, who was installed as CIA director in 1976 following the the Church


Committe investigation of CIA, FBI, NSA and IRS abuses.


While reading about Operation Babylift, what tipped me off about cabal involvment was a mention of actor Yul Brenner and


his wive as one of the parents publically adopting two of the children, and specifically that Yul asked his good friend


Hugh Hefner to help transport the children using his private jet. A cursory reading of Yul's life biography is a nice


glossy overview of his work as an actor and father of 5. When you dig further, you find a history of the usual personal


compromise with reports of his gay lifestyle involving a number of well known actors, including a teen aged Sal Mineo, who


was killed at the age of 37 by knife attack outside of his home. Sal is on record as among the actors engaging in a gay (he


says bi-sexual) lifestyle throughout his career.


Babies, Viet Nam War, CIA, Hollywood, let the digging begin!