Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.2682833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#3385 Notables Bun

in Bread #3387


>>2681207 Neil DeGrasse Tyson wants a "Truth Force."

>>2681213 Trump calls out China/EU on currency manipulation.

>>2681224 UK's Corbyn met with Hamas in 2010.

>>2681227 GOOG employee's revolt against Chinese censorship search engine.

>>2681255 Michigan child porn rings shut down.

>>2681317 Kavanaugh pulled no punches on Clinton's Lewinsky testimony.


>>2681435 Netflix deletes 10 years of user reviews.

>>2681452 Gold Star parents defend Trump.

>>2681782 Jews Deny Being Khazars

>>2681842 Trumps most likely meeting KJU again

>>2682051 Plains All American/Plains GH CEO Resigns

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.2682841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#3386 Notables Bun

in Bread #3387


>>2681976 Potentially thousands’ of child slaves forced to work on illegal London cannabis farms

>>2682011 Hertz CFO resigns

>>2682026 Trudeau Accuses woman of racism after illegal immigrants speech

>>2682051 Plains All American/Plains GH CEO Resigns

>>2682053 Snowden's Embattled Investigator Hires DC Firm

>>2682085 Fed Reserve director David Wilcox reties

>>2682089 Fusion GPS Spy Natalia Veselnitskaya Worked Out Of Obama Official’s Office

>>2682116 Multiple People Shot at London Subway Station

>>2682174 DOJ Indicts Iranians Accused Of Spying For Iran On Jewish, Anti-Khomeini Groups

>>2682210 Media misled US on detained immigrant with pregnant wife

>>2682251 Manafort trial Day 15: Jury goes home without reaching verdict

>>2682267 PapaD and $10k cash entrapment?

>>2682341 Texas man yelling ‘Jesus is coming’ while stabbing toddler is shot by neighbor trying to stop attack, cops say


>>2681999 Vaping Can Damage Users’ Mouth DNA, Cause Cancer - Study

>>2682384 Gingrich Op-Ed in NYT re: Mueller Investigation

>>2682470 The SEC has charged Mike Rothenberg for fraud

>>2682525 Democrat Scott Wallace’s Charity Spends Millions on ‘State-Sponsored Population Control

>>2682536 Jerry Brown Sets Record on Pardons

>>2682533 coalition helio crashes in Iraq, killing 1 US serviceman

>>2681991,>>2682236 "citizens log" program (sketchy link needs digs)

>>2682560 Lifelog is not Citiznes log

>>2682465 CBC is CF logistics?

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.2682937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2945


thank you baker! these are the ones i've collected so far, we can compare notes kek


>>2682781 Anon's synopsis of Q Movie trilogy

>>2682794 Russian military braces for massive war games in the east

>>2682827 Trump's EPA to release plan Tuesday gutting Obama's climate rule targeting coal plants

>>2682840 Hurricane Lane grows to Category 4 storm as it heads toward Hawaii

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.2682985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2998


just wondering, have you been including the daily resignations? i've noticed they tend to be local small potatoes - usually don't consider them notable but will include if other bakers are doing as well (lurking bakers feel free to chime in)


red rooms one is quora - weak sauce i think?

and an anon mentioned the west point grad has ties to robert david steele and didn't see any new information in article but just quickly skimmed


input welcome though, thanks again baker!

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.2683057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3072

300 post notables update

input welcome


>>2682781 Anon's synopsis of Q Movie trilogy

>>2682794 Russian military braces for massive war games in the east

>>2682960 ^ Related?: Navy guided-missile destroyer visits Anchorage 4 days ago

>>2682827 Trump's EPA to release plan Tuesday gutting Obama's climate rule targeting coal plants

>>2682840 Hurricane Lane grows to Category 4 storm as it heads toward Hawaii

>>2682883 GOP has ‘record-shattering’ 30 million voter contacts, 20,000-member outreach team

>>2682933 Sweden In Crisis: Leading PM Candidate Vows Migration Reforms As Nationalism Surges

>>2682978 Moderate Dem governor moves left, supports assault weapons ban as possible 2020 run looms

>>2682748 Pesticide Exposure During Pregnancy Linked To Autism In Children

>>2682793 RED ROOMS (dig)

>>2682798 From the Russian hooker & Oligarch story (developing)

>>2682818 Resignations in the news today

>>2683033 Reddit outage in major coastal cities

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:30 p.m. No.2683225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3236

500 post notables update

all gud?


>>2682781 Anon's synopsis of Q Movie trilogy

>>2682794 Russian military braces for massive war games in the east

>>2682960 ^ Related?: Navy guided-missile destroyer visits Anchorage 4 days ago

>>2682827 Trump's EPA to release plan Tuesday gutting Obama's climate rule targeting coal plants

>>2682840 Hurricane Lane grows to Category 4 storm as it heads toward Hawaii

>>2682883 GOP has ‘record-shattering’ 30 million voter contacts, 20,000-member outreach team

>>2682933 Sweden In Crisis: Leading PM Candidate Vows Migration Reforms As Nationalism Surges

>>2682978 Moderate Dem governor moves left, supports assault weapons ban as possible 2020 run looms

>>2682748 Pesticide Exposure During Pregnancy Linked To Autism In Children

>>2682793, >>2683145 RED ROOMS - dig

>>2682798 From the Russian hooker & Oligarch story (developing)

>>2682818 Resignations in the news today

>>2683033 Reddit outage in major coastal cities

>>2683052 India defies US threats, poised to sign deal for Russian S-400s in October

>>2682882, >>2682905 Operation Babylift: Babies, Vietnam War, CIA, Hollywood - dig

>>2683068 Michigan’s top health official to face trial over Flint water crisis deaths

>>2683134 Brazile lawyers up against Matt Couch re: claim she was at hospital morning of SR "death"

>>2683214 SYRIA UPDATE


>>2683209 please post link, anon

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.2683409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3418

last call for notables

removed a couple, bun is huge


>>2682781 Anon's synopsis of Q Movie trilogy

>>2682794 Russian military braces for massive war games in the east

>>2682960 ^ Related?: Navy guided-missile destroyer visits Anchorage 4 days ago

>>2682827 Trump's EPA to release plan Tuesday gutting Obama's climate rule targeting coal plants

>>2682883 GOP has ‘record-shattering’ 30 million voter contacts, 20,000-member outreach team

>>2682933 Sweden In Crisis: Leading PM Candidate Vows Migration Reforms As Nationalism Surges

>>2682978 Moderate Dem governor moves left, supports assault weapons ban as possible 2020 run looms

>>2682793, >>2683145 RED ROOMS - dig

>>2682798 From the Russian hooker & Oligarch story (developing)

>>2682818 Resignations in the news today

>>2683033 Reddit outage in major coastal cities

>>2683052 India defies US threats, poised to sign deal for Russian S-400s in October

>>2682882, >>2682905 Operation Babylift: Babies, Vietnam War, CIA, Hollywood - dig

>>2683068 Michigan’s top health official to face trial over Flint water crisis deaths

>>2683134 Brazile lawyers up against Matt Couch re: claim she was at hospital morning of SR "death"

>>2683209, >>2683236 Brett Kavanaugh memo detailing explicit questions for President Clinton

>>2683239 Two Individuals Charged for Acting as Illegal Agents of the Government of Iran

>>2683245, >>2683269 Planefag updates: anti-sub aircraft flying away from Puget Sound area

>>2683253 Reminder: 210 day appointment deadline for Associate AG is September 8

>>2683384 Clockfag Update

Anonymous ID: fcea13 Aug. 20, 2018, 6 p.m. No.2683472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#3387 Notables Bun


>>2682781 Anon's synopsis of Q Movie trilogy

>>2682794 Russian military braces for massive war games in the east

>>2682960 ^ Related?: Navy guided-missile destroyer visits Anchorage 4 days ago

>>2682827 Trump's EPA to release plan Tuesday gutting Obama's climate rule targeting coal plants

>>2682883 GOP has ‘record-shattering’ 30 million voter contacts, 20,000-member outreach team

>>2682933 Sweden In Crisis: Leading PM Candidate Vows Migration Reforms As Nationalism Surges

>>2682978 Moderate Dem governor moves left, supports assault weapons ban as possible 2020 run looms

>>2682793, >>2683145 RED ROOMS - dig

>>2682798 From the Russian hooker & Oligarch story (developing)

>>2682818 Resignations in the news today

>>2683033 Reddit outage in major coastal cities

>>2683052 India defies US threats, poised to sign deal for Russian S-400s in October

>>2682882, >>2682905 Operation Babylift: Babies, Vietnam War, CIA, Hollywood - dig

>>2683068 Michigan’s top health official to face trial over Flint water crisis deaths

>>2683134, >>2683377 Brazile lawyers up against Matt Couch re: claim she was at hospital morning of SR "death"

>>2683209, >>2683236 Brett Kavanaugh memo detailing explicit questions for President Clinton

>>2683239 Two Individuals Charged for Acting as Illegal Agents of the Government of Iran

>>2683245, >>2683269 Planefag updates: anti-sub aircraft flying away from Puget Sound area

>>2683253 Reminder: 210 day appointment deadline for Associate AG is September 8

>>2683384 Clockfag Update