Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2686058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6085 >>6107 >>6178 >>6278 >>6343



I guess all this work I did on showing Mueller a white hat was wasted. I don't know what to think anymore.




A former Podesta Group executive interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Tucker Carlson Tonight: the FBI probe is now focusing on people in Washington who have worked as de-facto operatives on behalf of Russian government and business. To that end, he had quite a bit to say about his former boss Tony and his relationship to the Uranium One deal.


“They are more focused on facilitators of Russian influence in this country than they are on election collusion,” Carlson’s source told Fox.


The Wall St. Journal also reported last October that five FBI field offices were investigating the Clinton Foundation; New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Little Rock and Miami, and “were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling.


In November, as tweeted by Wikileaks and reported on by the Dallas Observer, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July of 2016, after 64 GOP members of Congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation. The investigation has been notably held at the Dallas IRS office – far away from Washington.


So – while the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was sold as a simple matter of mishandling of classified material, we now have proof that the FBI set their sights on the Uranium One scandal weeks after they began looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and that five FBI field offices and the IRS have been investigating the Clinton Foundation on accusations of pay-to-play and other criminal acts.


FBI sent notices to every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records. See Pic

Five days after the initial request, the same FBI agent sent another round of notifications to the same agencies, adding the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS).

The next day, September 3rd, 2015, three more agencies were added to the preservation request: The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD)

At this point, every single member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which signed off on the Uranium One deal was served with a notice to preserve records.


The FBI – led by Robert Mueller at the time, had a mole in the Russian uranium industry. Remember Victoria Toensing's client?

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.2686217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6258


Frankly, none of it makes sense. Q's drop leads one to believe Mueller is black hat. We already knew the connections. So was this to confirm he is black hat or just keep the confusion going?

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.2686284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6295



At this point, it's all speculation. I'm just frustrated. Do a dig and then leading in one direction and then Q points that it goes in another direction. Funny thing is, I had found a huge dig on BO, NO CS, Magnitsky, Russia, on and on. Not sure if it's worth the bother now. Probably all fake news anyway.

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.2686405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6442 >>6452


Thanks anon :)



You're right.


So, can we vet this info? It's from a huge sauce and I don't want to spend much time on it if it appears fake.


It is common knowledge in the surrounding region of Southern California that the Rincon Airfield on the reservation is used by the top bosses of the Mexican mob to fly in contraband and money for laundering, as well as to socialize with the local distributors and Democratic Party politicians in need of campaign funding. Treaty law mean that local police cannot do anything about these enclaves, which are sanctuaries for human smuggling and drug trafficking. Scratch the surface of the California paradise to sniff hell on earth.

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2686452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


or this……..


On his retirement from government service in 2009, Chris Steele co-founded a for-hire investigative firm called Orbis Business Intelligence, which produced a series of 100 reports on the Ukraine-Russia crisis, which erupted in 2014, on contract with the U.S. State Department. In other words, the main author of the Trump-Russia Dossier had a lucrative contract under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before her presidential campaign.

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.2686505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6519 >>6533 >>6549 >>6556

anyone care where Nellie Ohr worked for the CIA?


Nellie Ohr became part of the CIA cyber-intelligence program known as Open Source Works (OSW), discussed below, which explains her intelligence role inside Fusion GPS, the private investigation group that hired Orbis and Christopher Steele to draft the Trump-Russia Dossier.

Anonymous ID: 6929e8 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.2686589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6621





Nope. Brucie is a career criminal for the DOJ, international trafficking and all that.



No mention of Strzok in this sauce. Just how deeply involved the Ohr's are with a whole bunch of different crimes.

I think the Ohr's are the ring leaders here.


Besides intelligence gathering from Russian sources, Open Source Works also had the technical capability to launch cyber attacks against the DNC, leaving behind bread crumbs from a faked Russian hack. This illicit political intervention also had support in London, Moscow and Kiev, due to the DOJ-FBI and State Department contracts with Steele’s Orbis Intelligence group.