Anonymous ID: a68a52 Aug. 20, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.2686159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Besides that, imageboards as a whole naturally gravitate towards creating independent threads based upon subject, where the minds with the most information on said subject can more easily group their thoughts in tandem with those of a similar wavelength/thought-line/hivemind-hyperthreading(for the geekier among)/whathaveyou, and create superior meme magic based upon that info, whereas /qresearch/ in general has opted for a general mishmash where everything gets thrown into a singular thread (general bread), based upon the /pol/ premise of having a general thread for a specific subject (which, in the /pol/ days, the subject itself WAS Q).


Now, we've got our own board, Q even has his own board. Theoretically, subset subjects that Q has focused on would ideally form their own independent threads/generals for research (bloodline research/ intl affairs/ US Corruption/ resignations/ satanism/ news-feed/ etc,yadda yadda.) However, this would make Q providing live-feedback nigh impossible in another sense, as well as likely de-stabilizing the unique community that has formed in regards to the general-bread-theme, for whatever that's worth.. So, having Q re-hash a reddit thread here and there, allows for those pieces to get re-seen here, refined in some senses if necessary, while allowing the genpop who've not been here the whole time to digest the Q-crumb as is.


So, in it's essence, /qresearch/, has become a hub that is essentially the event-horizon for habbenings and deeper study of all events, regardless of how chaotic it seems. So eat the chaos, and shit out the nuggets of truth so that other platforms such as reddit, or even more subject-specific threads here on the chans, can further refine them and piece them together, or meme them efficiently, in the schema of the larger red-puzzle that we're all working together to find solutions to.