Makes you want to know…
Who’s Christopher Steele’s wife?
So after that BOOM post…
Now what?
What now happens?
What’s next, or should I dare say, what’s going to happen first?
After that BOOM post, makes me wonder how and why Hussein ever became POTUS instead of HRC in 2008.
Make landfall you wonder about spouses of Jarrett
Makes you wonder about spouses of
typo earlier
Makes you wonder too about last night while Reddit was down for a long time.
Maybe there was even more and had to take Reddit down.
Who is John Podesta’s wife?
….and dear James Clapper’s wife?
Yes RR and BM are true black hats…no disinformation there.
Only possibility is they have already been tried and convicted before military tribunal and are simply playing a role for life in prison, instead of death.