Anonymous ID: ca7ca6 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.2687524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon last bread

>Study Titian


Yasss the Greek god of bewbies!

Im a high priest and even have a danglie….


Ive seen quite a few progressions of this board since CBTS. Didnt chan b4 that.

Ive seen alot of ideas on how things could be better… so forth.

Some anons want a sterile research environment, no bewbs, shitposts etc.

My opinion this place gets lifeless when its like that.

On the other hand, gore, hard-pron to much chat can get a little frustrating and can slow momentum.


Ultimately the chans are what they are and the formula works.

Its only recently I even noticed bakers and issues that arise. Reality is some things notable dont make it in. Some things that aren’t do. This board is organic and beautiful. I watch ideas, or research I did get ignored yet pop up later and someone cleaned it up or made it more useful. Quit looking for notoriety and that solves alot of issues. Leave the fucken bakers alone. BO/BV handle those issues. If the breads are on time and intact quit fucken crying about muh notables making/not making it in. Even well sauced shit is sometimes still shit.

One thing for sure is when MasterArchivist was archiving each bread the noteables were not as critical. Many anons pull what is relevant to them from the breads regardless of notables or not.

I enjoy sauce on serious matters however spitballed thinking out loud posts are helpful as well sometimes and the memes are awesome.

And God in Heaven, God Bless some of the humor anons. Shiptosting and wit keep the sanity intact.

This board works and has all along. NewFags quit trying to change shit.

Bakers and Admin thank you for keeping board going all these months.

Its comfy. When its not, take a break.

I dont have the technical skill, but it would be a true patriot that could pick up where the brilliant MA left off and archive every bread.

Luv You Faggots.


My .02 cents of faggotry

Carry on you glorious bastards!

Anonymous ID: ca7ca6 Aug. 21, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.2687934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.


Mao Zedong


Fuck Commie Faggots

But it is a good quote.